Saturday, August 25, 2018

Portal Guardians

Portal Guardians
Part 5 of 5,
Geographic sites with demonic names

by Don Bradley

August 2018

Having been to most of the places indicated by other people as demonically named sites all over the world, there is a reason for these long-standing nomenclatures—site names often going back thousands of years, especially in those islands and lands about the Mediterranean. Very serious reasons, often involving immense amounts of innocent bloodshed, or symbols of the era before the flood, or post-flood nephilim activities that were and are, abominations to anyone except modern satanists. The devil's elbow, the devil's tower, the devil's punchbowl, ad nausea, you get the idea. In every country, there are strange rock, or other places with this odd naming. Such as these, luciferian sycophants to high priestesses of darkness, who often do anything to keep these awful satanic lesbians happy, gather to pay homage, do ritual sacrifice, and other things to keep the magic going at these places. Resistance is futile, refusal is death. It's a saying these seeds of Satan have, though I've heard varying versions of it, depending upon the language and country.

And Satan and his seed are most definitely THE enemy of the sons of Adam. Because they WANT TO BE, not because of our disposition towards them or Heaven's lack of love for all things. This must be understood at the outset. The hatred is real, palpable, and merciless. I've encountered it all my life, without understanding why so many hate me on sight, until I was 40 years old. When Yeshua moved in body and soul at 16, everything changed from normal to increasing levels of what it is now.

When you study the enemy, you learn a great deal. Or you can remain ignorant, vulnerable, and NEVER see it coming when it comes. The Holy Spirit protects you, being covered by the blood of the Lamb, when studying such abominations. And, you can teach others that we are, after all, in a spiritual battle, as YHVH spoke about though Paul. I've spent some many decades in battle, doing just such a work. I only know of a few others who have done it this long. Most just go along, to get along, and don't want to rock their safe and sane little boat. On earth, that's an illusion. No one is safe, and the whole nephilim place is INSANE with bloodlust. Frankly Pizzagate is not only real, but in every town and city, nearly every street.

If you think the preceding is fiction, just talk to sincere gang-stalking victims (yeah, I'm such a one) about the endless harassment that comes from these devils. It's everywhere you go. And if you telegraph your plans, they are waiting for you.

But we are not here to learn for idle curiosity. If you are reading this, you may in fact be called to action. To serve the Most High in battle. Maybe.

I digress.

Many governments, especially in the west, encourage tourism to these satanically named sites, except on those special days of the year when the covens gather for dark purposes. I know this to be true, for I was at more than a few of these places on ritual night, for the express purpose of closing the portals there, and was either blocked by law enforcement from even getting within miles of the place or outright found and forced out. Others were with me, so if you are thinking tall tales here, you are assuredly mistaken. If you know me, you know my rule of TWO WITNESSES, or the thing is not reported. And you also know this rule, with me, goes back a few decades. As many readers from long ago know, I and others have been involved in taking out satanic sites for a very, very long time. Before 911, and before everything.

Many of the sentinels there have become twisted and distorted from the thousands of years of satanic activity, post flood, and the sites have a well known occult reputation for dark energies, portal wise, to those nether dimensions. Hence the naming.

I began researching these sites in 2000 and since. I have quite a collection of photographs, pictures of the remains of Black Sabbath aftermaths, etc. We plant bibles there, cast out demons, and do what we can to destroy the satanic altars which usually can be found in these places, like the devil's punchbowl, devil's gate, et al. One altar, in Ojai, which is twice the size of a refrigerator, we did what we do, and in the following week, it was broken into 6 separate pieces. Solid granite. What it was, it is no more.

To me, this is very old news. But, that is to be expected. I am glad that this knowledge is moving beyond the few into the many, so that all may be aware of these problems on earth. Like it was with chemtrail awareness 20 years ago. And our duty is to block these satanic sites from further use. If you have the guts and protection of Yeshua to back your play. Otherwise, the demons will follow you and make a ruin of your life. If you think shadow walkers are bad, believe me, portal guardians, from the post nephilim days after the flood, are far more vicious and tenacious.

Be strong with our Father, YHVH. And all will be well. If you can face it. Because it all is against you. There is no nice way of putting the inevitable outcome of doing such work. In the interest of full disclosure, you must know that portal closing and the destruction of ritual sites, as well as exposing their dark agenda, comes at the highest of prices.
  • You can kiss your friends goodbye;
  • forget any kind of real employment; you feed yourself and four sons on around $50 a week, as I've been doing since 2001. As you cannot afford meat, you become a vegetarian. And you make it work. Going to whole foods and the like is a pipe dream for you. It's just how it is. It's the dollar tree, like we do, and you live on the dollar menu. If you do manage to get out to do dad's work, it's because someone else is footing the bill. Be grateful. It's as good as it gets, forever. And every car in your life and those of your sons is at least 20 years old or older. No new cars for you, ever again. For you, it's beater shite boxes. Unless you had it before and you have taken care of it, as I have done with my truck.
  • you will be shadow banned on the internet; I have been since 1998. Now, others are experiencing it and its more widespread. All those people who laughed at me and said I was paranoid and a nutcase can tender their apologies, because shadow banning is hitting everyone who stands against their agenda. And yeah, it sucks.
  • cut off; really cut off. Get used to it.
  • zilch for any kind of donations or help, except in rare, occasional circumstances and usually, from very rare, amazing folks; Like me, after nearly 40 years of hard earned affluence and success, total poverty and hardship. No vacations, unless it's donated. No new clothes. No new anything. Your entire house filled with yard sale furniture and kitchenware. Like mine.
  • gang-stalking will be your new normal; I first noticed it in the early 1990s, it's only gotten worse.
  • your extended family will talk behind your back, call you crazy, and slander you every chance they get, as has happened to me; and I don't talk about this with ANYONE. But, once someone reads about your doings, to give others hope in a dark time, you're finished. Get used to the fact that the people closest to you are the ones to betray you the most. Count on your spouse to be the one do to the most damage. Or even your next spouse, because the intelligence satanic network LOVES getting someone inside the gates and who better, than the person you share your bed with. I've experience with this. As have others. Hang tough, know its coming, and when you are most vulnerable, they'll drop the hammer on you and then proceed to make ruin with your family and friends.
  • I've had my truck sabotaged so many times for accidents, I've lost count. Brakes, oil drained, tires cut flapped, so that at 70, they delaminate, bolts on distributors all removed, when they were on there the DAY BEFORE. You learn to open the hood regularly to inspect the engine and other parts. And to remove the GPS trackers they attach. You find that from week to week, new things have been done. They have keys to everything you have a lock for, depend upon it.
  • You find that satanists are EVERYWHERE. NO KIDDING;
  • visits from law enforcement are very common, for reasons that defy belief;
  • burglaries become routine, including the theft of cash and assets; no matter where I live, dozens of times I've come home to find the doors unlocked and the house rifled. Things missing. Then, a month later, sitting on the counter, is an item that was taken, but returned. This is called by the FBI, AGGRESSIVE HARASMENT; it's their petty way of saying, yeah, we did this to you.
  • For example, just last month I finally got into Patreon, to help with my dwindling income and maybe, just maybe, afford a P1000 camera. They, after two weeks blocked my account because of Terrorist activities and fraud—that's what they said. Even though all I've done is put up a few pics and articles that are, at that time, watered down. I had only two donations, and they blocked others from helping me. This is just one of many things THAT HAPPEN EVERY DAY. If you are A REAL THREAT AND DAD IS WITH YOU IN ALL WAYS, this is your new normal. If you are a watered down, do little nothing threat, they don't really bother. Your life will have a couple of bumps, but it goes on as it was. They don't consider people who just put out information as a serious threat. But, go out in the field and block them from their dark work, and that's another matter entirely. I do education too, as you all know very well. But that's just part of the thing, the SMALL PART.
  • If you are a REAL THREAT, you find you can no longer fly anywhere on any kind of plane. I've been banned from flying for 15 years. If you can still book a flight and fly, you're not much of a threat to them, in their eyes.
  • And implants. Delivered in parking lots at night, at restaurants, key chain fobs, you name it. I've been hit by all the above. It feels like getting hit with a spit wad, and leaves a welt like a spider bite for about ten days. Then it's in your system. You have to use chelation therapy and the Gerson therapy for your body to dump them. And you find out it's your new best buddies who set you up for this.
  • surveillance is everywhere and in all places you frequent; everything you own, is bugged. Your back pack, car, home, you name it. Their technology is ultra miniature. And it's audio and video, so everything you do, they see and hear. And often, they let you know about. And this is and was long before echo and all that other spy stuff people are now putting in their homes. Every time I start to create an article, they turn off my computer. I have to unplug from the router and disable wifi to work. Know this, surveillance is real time. Not later. You have a minder that lives next door or on your street. I've actually walked into a house with a room full of monitors and every screen had some angle of my house. It's just the great way Dad works. I was paying the rent and walked in and the first room on the right was full of CPUs and monitors. And there was my house and every room, garage, street views, all of it. The lady pushed me out and started changing the subject, but too late. Once you see a truth of your life, you cannot ever unsee it.
  • you come to realize its over, your former life. The wife will leave you and she'll do it on a witches sabbath, like mine did, and worse—she'll call everyone you know and tell the wildest lies about you, starting with your job, if you still have one, and your parents, as mine did. If you are lucky, your children will understand; usually, the wife takes them. In the end, it's just you, Yeshua, and Dad. And the stars...
  • I got to live in my truck for a year in 2007. No hot food. Garden hose for a bath and wash-up. Nice. Real nice.
  • The things that matter, that are important, you have no one to talk to about, because you find mostly, people don't want to know and could care less. More to the point, they wouldn't believe you anyway. So you don't talk about it. Ever. Doesn't matter if you have proof or witnesses, they consider you a nut-bag, even those that profess a love of Yeshua and our Father. Especially those. They prefer, in the main, churchianity to the Truth of Earth. In point of fact, the folks that snigger the most behind my back are those that profess to serve Yahua. The only two who haven't kicked me in the mouth since this started for me was Bill Cooper, Ron Wyatt, and Kent Hovind. The rest avoid me. So be it. It was this way in 1997, when a few of us broke the chemtrail thing with pictures and evidence. And other things, as long-timers know. Then flat earth. For me, it's always and for all the above reasons. So it will be for you. Know this going in, if going into the work you are called.

Once you go down this road of working for Dad, there IS NO TURNING BACK. Even if you wanted to, they won't let you. The satanists. Once you get on the CIA/FBI shite list, its for life. And the covens and intel agencies are ONE AND THE SAME. I repeat, the intelligence agencies are RUN BY SATANIC COVENS AND THE ILLUMINATI. The dark side. Evil. And they only hire, employ, use, and deploy satanists, whether they be astronots, field agents, school teachers, judges, doctors, police, etc etc etc. Dad won't let you either, by the by. His loving ways keep you forward, ever forward. Right up until he lets them kill you, as he's done to Jim Keith, Bill Cooper, and many others. Or they kill your children, as my friend and fellow worker in these matters, David John Oates had happened to him, after the justice department ran him out of the country in 1999. They murdered his young daughter and dumped her body in a ditch.

I have had all types of state, local, and federal law enforcement at my door. Once, in January 2004, two sheriffs in Santa Clarita showed up at my door and insisted I removed my many articles about the nephilim, six fingers, slit eyes, etc—the only stuff about reptoids, nephilim, et al in those years—. And the pictures. I refused. Two weeks later, they took down my site, crashed my computer, erased my hard drives, and destroyed my cameras.
That's right. I broke the whole business of nephilim in ancient Israel and Judea, and the tribes that were giant, six fingers, red hair, and how it all came to be in early 2002. About the same time I made the very first chemtrail awareness video, CLOUDS OF DEATH. Chemtrails have nothing to do with geoengineering. That's well-poisoning. It's about killing us off. We are being murdered with weakened immune systems and chemtrails ARE A BINARY WEAPONS SYSTEM. Look up OMEGA SQUADRON, they are the Air Force and Navy branch in charge of this worldwide. These are the killers, going back to 1958, when it all started.

This is what you can expect when your power of Spirit from Yeshua's blood, interferes with their dark plans.

Having said all the above, let's move on. So, if you are inspired, you at least are made aware of what you can expect for the rest of your life. This WAS NOT INFORMATION given to me, when I took up my standard and shield for the Lamb. You are given what I never received.

Finally, this. This isn't about scaring you or whining about my life. It's just the spirit of full disclosure. Targeted Individuals know this list all too well. As it should be. In the military, a good commander is honest with his troops, and if it's a bad beat op, he will, out of decency for you and your loved ones, tell you as much. The good ones do, the bastardos, don't.


August 2004. Son Matthew and I, blond guy next to me, spent that week closing portals in Yosemite and surrounding areas. many fun adventures to talk about, also, very dangerous.