Friday, February 22, 2019

The purpose of this blog

The purpose of this blog - spiritual world - is to reveal and expose that aspect of reality, that many are learning is quite, quite real. If, after reading the posts herein, the reader gains a glimpse of the reality that we are not alone. There is a God, His Name is YHVH, Yahua, I AM THAT I AM.

There is a devil, Lucifer who became Satan.

Both have their kingdoms. Both have servants, angels and demons respectively.

One IS THE RULER - YHVH; the other wants to be.

Then you have us, humanity. You me and a few billion other souls.

We also know, have always known, that the world is very much alive, not just inanimate. Alive. Plants, the water, air, fire, earth, animals, are all aspects of creation, made to be alive. The ground we walk on, knows our step. As will be discovered. AND PROVEN.

As well, we have the living and the dead. We have hundreds of thousands of cases, myself included, that can remember, in detail, a previous life. Some remember a great deal more than that.

As Our Father Once said, we were with Him during creation. There you go, pre-existence. He also says, He knew us BEFORE we were born. We existed in Heaven, with Him. Get it now?

According as he hath chosen us in him 
before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy 
and without blame before him in love. 

Ephesians 1:4
That fits with what I know and have seen, too. And I am very grateful and glad for it.
In Psalms 139:15-16, David declares that God’s eyes were fixed on us not only when we were in the earliest stages of being formed in our mother’s womb, but even before we were conceived. David said concerning himself (and us), “My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.”Then, finally, we have the Nephilim. These abortions of the original Watchers who, following Satan's lead, decided to burn down creation, the Garden of Eden, and great futures for us all. These angels betrayed our Father's love. And their offspring - the Nephilim,- are the demons and also "aliens" in popular culture.

In humanity, we have two sets of souls, working out their salvation, best as they can.

The damned: They have, through centuries of rebirth into Satanic bloodline families, and have willfully undertaken the broken cross ritual and have written themselves out of the book of life by their own hand and freewill.

So be it.

The damned serve Satan. They also rape, then ritually murder hundreds of thousands of children, every single year. Our political leaders, media, stars, celebrities, are all satanists, save for a very few.

Finally, we have the Elect: These are souls who serve, help things along, learn, fail, fail some more, then again.

But more often than not, good comes from their presence on Earth.

If you can see this, a good understanding many already know, but have considered it NOT.

Well, then, consider it.

Don Bradley