Thursday, May 9, 2019

A technique of the spirit: intent makes it either a curse or a blessing.

Both of these demoncrats are proving they are trained occultists. This is an ancient technique of blessing or cursing a people, place or thing. I have noticed the demoncrats using this cursing technique all over the landscape, at nearly every press conference of hatred and rage against AMERICA.

For you see Trump, to normal Americans, represents decency, fair play, standing by the constitution and laws of this land. And they hate that, because these men and women are change agents of destruction of this country.

And they have a schedule to keep, one which the dead Hildebeast robbed them of by dying and being what she was, a monster.

Pastors use this technique as do witches and others.

When blessing a child, one puts one's hand on the young person's head, and intones graces to them.

I've seen very evil pastors do this when they get their congregations emotionally worked up, and not in the spirit of love, but in FEAR.

I've also seen holy men do this, quite privately, to groups unawares of this kindness extended to them. In point of fact, the entire OLD TESTAMENT, the TORAH, is filled with such blessings, passed from father to son, from brother to whomever, from King to countrymen.

In the examples below, the foul speaking and lying men are laying curses upon anyone listening, to poison them.

Here is how to defeat this. Once you understand what is happening, if it be a curse and you be with dad, it has no power over you. On the contrary, it boomerangs back against them. Also, you can protect the ignorance of those around you by invoking Dad to repeal these evil attacks and return them to sender, so what would have potentially poisoned millions, now returns home to them. This is what finally did in the Hildebeast, it all came home to her.
