Sunday, June 16, 2019

Getting rid of the man in the family

78% of all divorces are initiated by the mom unit
"Women’s Liberation, if not the most extreme, then certainly the most influential neo-Marxist movement in America, has done to the American home what communism did to the Russian economy, and most of the ruin is irreversible. By defining between men and women in terms of power and competition instead of reciprocity and co-operation, the movement tore apart the most basic and fragile contract in human society, the unit from which all other social institutions draw their strength."
-Harvard Professor Ruth Wisse.
This was all by plan, executed by Gloria Steinem, who has admitted she is CIA. Now you know who to hang for this mess and the skull and bone bastardos behind it, eh Poppy?


There is little in today’s western society to teach women how to seek and evaluate a good mate in their 20’s, the best time to start a family.
TV movies pop stars push being “hot” which translates to leggings and to “skirts” the length of a wash clothe and to the male being “cute”. Sxxtexting is communication. Schools teach gender fluidity nonsense.
This follows by “hooking up” meaning no-relationship-bedding which may or may not move toward “shacking up” with no lifetime commitment. Then the females decide to have baby daddy’s instead of husband-mates, the BOYfriend moves out when attention shifts to diaper changing and the female turns to the working taxpayer to fund her short-skirts-hooking-up life plan.
When the State shows reluctance to pay the tab she repeats the cycle with another baby dad.
“Real” parents do little to dissuade this pattern. Both are working and the TV is the babysitter then next it is the State gender fluidity tranny in drag library schooling.
Try encouraging today’s females to wait until the wedding and see what happens.
Plenty of blame to go around for both sexes. I know women who scheme to trap men by getting knocked up, and make a living off of support payments. Line up all their kids, and maybe two of them have the same dad. As a female, I find it embarrassing and shameful, as it makes us all look bad.
Simple fact of life is that women just aren't very interested in men who:
  • Earn less than them, or not at all.
  • Are of lower social status.
  • Are lower educational status.
Women have an in built quality control instinct (hypergamy) on male genes . It's absolutely brutal too. Around 25% of men will never have kids, whereas only 10% of women won't, mostly through personal choice. That's a huge sexual selection pressure on male behavior... Men are what women force them to be.

You forgetting the craziness of women that force out men. Once of my close friends had three children. Was a loving & devoted parent. His wife became full on crazy. She kicked him out after his self-made business took off. Took all his assets and prevented him from seeing his kids at all.  At best you can blame his from his poor craziness detection.
This isn't a one-off, as I know lots of guys who had similar experiences. Most of the time, its the women that is unfaithful or just goes crazy over time.

Men and women have different schedules. It's just biology. Women are fertile 18->35. Men 18->55. Doing the career thing the way men do, following a male schedule robs women of their most fertile period from 20-30, and it's particularly bad because it's so short.
There's another problem that a lot of women are instinctively but maybe not so consciously aware of given all the "where are all the good men" articles. Male attraction is strongly aligned with female fertility. 30+yo women are simply not what men are looking for when it comes to settling down and having kids. The interest isn't there, they just won't show up. The interest stops around 30 and for some reason we're surprised by this as a society.
There's yet another issue which compounds this. Female instincts look for a "good" man, while male instincts look for a "young" woman. Well, between the ages of 18 and 30, almost all the "good" men are taken. It's the human "mating frenzy" period. By the time you're 30, there just aren't many "good" ones left that are of interest and they're not looking for you.
I also see women marrying family men, but quickly get bored with the relationship & seek extra-marriage relationships, which ends up destroying the family. Women want both a man that can provide for them, and also be available to them all the time. Rarely is it possible for a man to well paid & be at home all the time.
Part of this is the result of the portrayal of fathers by the SATANIC entertainment industry (Hollywood) over the past several decades. Fathers were once portrayed as the strong, wise head of the family (Father Knows Best, Leave It to Beaver, My Three Sons, etc). Now fathers are often portrayed as buffoons that are demeaned and the brunt of jokes.