Tuesday, January 14, 2020

New writer hereabouts

Dear friends,

Lately, you've noticed some new articles by Morgan Franklin, of which I've said nothing. My thinking on this was to let the writing and Holy Spirit that comes through, stand on their own. For me, they have.

His stuff are the most read pieces for a solid week or more, with each new article. He writes in a tight, cogent and easy to understand way that easily conveys what he is inspired to write about. I enjoy what he has to say, because he comes straight to the point without a bunch of blathering opinion. He sticks to the facts and helps folks understand things.  A rare thing in our times. No agenda, just the reporting what he sees.

My line of country.

Of course he's not the only writer on this or other Dork blogs. But as regards Spiritual World, he's as honest in his writing as they come. That means a great deal to me. 

I've always put up articles, even with obvious flaws and errors, by others. Because...the information that was factual and helpful out weighed the errors and was important. With Morgan, I find no errors.

It is my hope he will continue to submit more stuff for publication and go deeper into the world of spirit, as he himself moves deeper into the world of spirit. 

After all, the name of this site is OUR SPIRITUAL WORLD.
