Monday, January 20, 2020

Shadow-Banned by the Satanic Network, when they want their agenda moved forward

I have been shadow-banned since the 1990s, long before the term became a brand/meme. I then and now call it black listing. For that is what it truly is. Being black listed in all ways and things, not just in the public release of information via articles and the like. If you are being shadow banned, believe me, it's every aspect of your life. All those little "coincidences" aren't that at all. It's the machinery of the Deep State, Globalist Satanic Empire making sure you go nowhere, are unable to be or do anything that moves your life forward, and keeps you in a state of poverty.

That's the real reality of shadow banning. Everything about you is banned, not just your 1st amendment rights.

Below is someone else's experience with shadow banning and I've put his ongoing experience here for reference. He does not know that banning extends to every part of his life and forever. Because you see...once you get on the devil's shit never get off, even if you do everything in your power to  be a good little, obedient droid. As some are trying to do...but not I.

Forever...believe it. 

How can you turn your back on Yeshua? Or YHVH?  And then expect all the blessings to continue? Although...their mercy and compassion looks beyond such a stupid move to the larger picture. You still get burned by the satanic network and you find, Dad and Yeshua were always there, looking out for you, regardless of your blunders in your walk.


Don Bradley


Renaming a brand that has a deserved bad reputation not just by multilayered design and production incompetence , but also cover up is really another form of censorship, ie.,  withholding critical information that the public would like to be aware of. I would like to see an essay on the various forms of censorship by individuals who know more than I about this topic.

All I can say is that at least You Tube (owned by Google) openly announces its decision to "delist" or  "defund" an entity it wishes to censor. But then there are more subtle ways, like "pushing down" a  site on a Google search so that a viewer is very unlikely to ever see it, despite its former popularity as demonstrated by the number of hits, likes, and subscribers it gets.
Then there is my case where I posted negative but well sourced/documented Google reviews of certain lawyers in KY, the KY Bar Association , The Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure, hospitals in Elizabethtown KY and Elizabeth City NC involving patient deaths and egregious differences in treatment of doctors, denial of due process, abuse of summary judgment, rejection of time honored straightforward statutes that were even cited by the Commissioners, Hearing Officers (administrative law judge) and trial judges in their opinions and then completely ignored in a blatant demonstration of  de facto law.  This was repeated in the Appellate courts in KY. The incompetence (being charitable), corruption, and coverup is mind boggling. It helped if one of these many attorney's brother was a KY State senator. 

Even when I tried to cite the specifics of each accusation, case law, case number, statute, court location, judge etc., none of which can refuted, my Google posts under H Zilla were shadowbanned.  I see them on my computer and think they have been made public, but it turns out that Google has secretly, without my knowledge, blocked them so that no one else will ever see them.

I have randomly asked my computer service tech, various service agents from AT&T's cell phone service , a lawyer's secretary, a Best Buy computer salesman, my three brothers who are engineers what is shadow-banning.  They have no idea. I had no idea until I became curious after initially posting my 1 star review on my former attorney's web site. She had no reviews at the time. Then  suddenly five  more reviews appeared, all of them 5 stars. Her average rating was now 5 full stars.  That alerted me how that could be when I had posted a 1 star review. And from there, I asked my brothers and a few friends to search this lawyer's web site. My review had been  hidden/blocked as had all my other reviews.  I am not sure but suspect Facebook has done the same with my posts on the NC Medical Board's site, specifically addressing the extortion and fraud I experienced by its proxy, the NC Physicians Health Program. I imagine being exiled three months to an out of state  "treatment center" and threatened with loss of your NC Medical license if you don't comply with their program of treatment: AA, 12 Step, Caduceus, drug screenings when you have never had a DUI, positive drug screen in your life, nor  any rumor, inference or finding by three sets of experts by the NC Medical Board, hospital staff, the public or anyone of ever having been a drug addict or alcoholic. People who know me  all the way back to high school and college will confirm I am a teetotaler.    I have posted reviews on YELP of the above entities which hopefully won't be blocked , although the state  medical licensure  boards have no YELP searchable posting site. 

And very few people understand shadow-banning. 

This is occurring on a grander scale in the impeachment hearings, DOJ/FBI investigations, Spygate etc. With the printing press, at least one was alerted to whether his article had been published or not. But with the interent, it has become the ultimate  propaganda tool. You may think you have access to information. You don't , not all.  Just like in law. They have State Bar Associations, lawyers, judges, court, statutes on the books- all to make you think there is rule of law. There isn't, or as  I said in my book, in airplane parlance, " if the landing gear fails to deploy 10% of the time, I simply can not fly that airplane. The gear need to deploy 99.99% of the time." The same goes with law. If it is so random, capricious, arbitrary and corrupt, you simply can not rely on it. It becomes useless.

I am not a lawyer, but it seems to me that there has to be a civilian watchdog, a second arm, like Judicial Watch or an inspector general, to chaperone every legal decision and alert the public.  The lawyers and judges  are for all practical purposes held to no standard of competence. You can not sue them. I tried, and no matter how material your evidence, it will never be allowed to see the light of day through abuse of summary judgment which will get them off every time. The only thing you will be left with is: 

"You just didn't have a good lawyer."