Friday, October 23, 2020

Ugly posts, but it has to be done.

Frankly, I am sickened by the material I've put up of late on this site. Unfortuneatly, it is necessary so all of you out there who are just now awakening to huge political scandals, involving pedophile rings, can understand. 

Pedophilia is an aspect of satanism. They abuse, torture, ritually kill, than eat the child. It's a terrible, terrible thing. 

You see, this isn't right vs left thing, this is an evil vs good thing.

And to understand this evil, you have to see what they are and do. And all of it is revolting and disgusting in every possible way.

So, I apologize for subjecting you all to this horrendous mountain of modern evil. But there it is, it's why you must educate, pray, and fight...for the good. For your families, your countries, for Yeshua.

That others may NOT fall prey to these wicked and most damned souls.
