Saturday, May 22, 2021

The Final Card

Coming in June...?

To pull this off, they would have to put their entire fleet of these made in USA gravity levitation craft into the air at once and over most of the populated cities of the world. They would have to sorty everything they have, to appear convincingly to the public.

This whole thing has to have been rehearsed down to each and every cue, just like in a top flight Live TV Show. They would need to, to avoid anyone ruining it, or through some technical fault. Paper planning alone won't cut it for something as historically big as this.


They are going to do a creep modality. This is where they first admit to it. Then produce an alien they've been in contact. Then finally, the whole fleet with the thing we do not seek, coming to pretend to save us.

One or the other. There's no third way. Dumping a few grainy videos after 70 years of conditioning and this story is dead by lunchtime same day.


Field Testing Fake Invasion