Thursday, May 27, 2021


 A watcher. Guess what they do? 

But also, they make minor changes to every little moment in this world. This is why you see a bird frozen in flight. Or a plane. Or the same person walking over a cross walk...twice. Now you know. They are all powerful, more than is thought, and they are very much involved in helping to see the smallest details of Yahua's Plan move to their appointed times, in all things.

Being hated by the online Christian community, that can only see reality from the physical only viewpoint of number, weight, and measure. So, anything that isn't in the evolution reality, which they claim to deny as false (rightly so) is automatically of Satan. They tell me. Over and over again. Yet, Ezekial and other authors vividly describe spiritual realities that are WAY beyond just physicality. If there is something dimensional it has to be of Satan, they scream.


Test the Spirits. Be they of Yahua or the lawless one. I do. These people intentionally turn off their mind, heart, and perceptions from a MUCH FULLER LIFE of what REALITY is as given us by Our Father, YHVH. 

How do I know so much about Watchers? A lifetime of interaction; a gift of spirit, by our Most High Sovereign Yahua, that's how.