Friday, July 2, 2021

Back engineering the ancient world


I present all this research by fellow servants to reveal to you all that EVERYTHING you have been taught in the 20th century and beyond is mostly fiction.

No millions of years.

No solid granite blocks.

No man to the moon nonsense.

No globular Earth balderdash.

etc, etc, etc.

This is to free you with the truth. And it is freeing you. Open heart. Open mind. Once freed, you then find that the truth of this world is in the Holy Word of YHVH.

Seek the truth in all things and He will lead you to it, all the while exposing the lies of the bloodline of Cain. Soon, this information will be banned and blocked, as it already is in many countries. Then no one will ever be able to find out the truth, only the satanic agenda of the nephilim.