Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Dealing with the demonic


The face of hitch hiker influence: the Karen. She has six riders, by my count. Her demonic rant was unbelievable. And, she has stitched several sigils all over the key etheric minor and major centers. This is what we are facing in the world. As Dad has said, they cannot hide it anymore, what they really are. She has intentionally invited them in. She's a witch, biblically speaking.

Dealing with the demonic

Don Bradley 7-8-21

In the early 2000s, it was obvious to me and so began publicly stating, they are coming out. Meaning the demonic/reptoid/nephilim entities and their minions in the world. This also means that regular people of all manner of spiritual attainment would have to deal with these things whether they wanted to or not. As I had to.

My first experience with such things was in 1986. It became worse from there. I was in the bedroom of my apartment at the time and turned around and standing right in front of me was this loathsome, snarling animal like creature. Much like one would imagine a troll under a bridge. About 3 feet tall, covered in this moving blackish mass that had the appearance of hair but wasn't, and flashing red eyes. The energy in the room became oppressive and without any intervention on my part, in an instant it vanished, and everything returned to normal.

But it was the beginning of a lifetime of war that has not abated to this very day.

Having been baptized and saved at 16, I learned very quickly that the lower demonic entities—the greys, the snarlers, the toadish, the shadow walkers, etc, couldn't approach me. They could get within about 15 feet but were always stopped from approaching. They had no discernible effect on any level. I could see them—as could others—but was never harmed or nor did I pick up hitchhikers (entities that attach to one or more of the etheric centers).

Being grafted into the branch gives our soul this natural protection.

However, as the years went by and I began to investigate the dark side on a deeper level to understand what we were all facing, from time to time I ran into some pretty bad things in the higher ranks of the demonic. Powers, Principalities, etc. I found it necessary to tune into them from time to time to get a sense of which aspect or blasphemy of spirit and their power, certain of these things represented here on Earth. I found that to be very dangerous. As is often said, when you look into the abyss, it looks back.

In this looking back, much to my surprise, I found that indeed, sometimes the top fellers made me nauseous and the energy in the room immediately darkened to such an extent it became stifling and oppressive. This was a serious problem.

However, at once, from my first experience in such things, The Holy Spirit advised me to relax, remain calm and call at once upon Yeshua, which I always then did, with amazing results.

First, the attack.

For me, it comes as a nausea that comes from the solar plexus area. Not throwing up kind of thing (those of us in deliverance ministry know that very often the eviction of hitchhikers from victims involves nausea and vomiting, the vomiting action is the eviction of the demon). Then the atmosphere of the room becomes quite oppressive and visually darkens. All of these aspects happen simultaneously and are visibly usually only to the person being attacked, and by sensitive people. Most people are clueless to the event.

Second, dealing with the entity.

I at once—when this does happen and it is rare for me—call upon Yeshua and Our Father simultaneously. I sit down, relax and know that He will respond. Which usually happens even before I can finish mentally sending the call out. Just as I start to reach out to our King and Elohim, He's already pushing this thing's power off and away, to who knows where or what, I cannot say for I do not know.

Even if you are not a Natsarim or Christian, you can and should call on Yeshua (Jesus) and He will deliver you out of danger. But then, until that day you do accept His gift of salvation, stop doing what you were doing that brought on the event that necessitated calling upon Him.

I am instantly filled with a gentle and peaceful serenity that is pretty darn cool. It dwarfs the—in comparison—energy of the entity. I feel surrounded by LOVE and GRACE. It's wonderful. More than worth the price of admission of receiving just such an attack. I do not recommend engaging these things just to get saved and get that healing grace. That kind of behavior is actually a misuse of spirit and might backfire on a person. And mostly, I have no idea an attack is coming until it is upon me.

But to teach about the enemy, I had to educate myself about them. That meant reading their literature, studying their satanic bible, going through grimmoires, etc. Also, Our Father gave me plenty of real world experiences to back up this learning, tightening up my understanding of how and why they are and do what they do. It's mostly pretty disgusting stuff.

(Pro Tip. When doing such research, I like keeping a bible in my lap, with one hand upon it, frequently giving love and joy in His Spirit. It's like an armor. In my experience.)

I have had countless experiences in dealing with every aspect of the demonic. And most of the meat sacks in this world, years and years before any of this became mainstream as it is so obviously has in the last 10 years. What I have gone through would fill a decent sized book and more. Most of it was witnessed and/or photographed.

The point is, most of us, in our time, are going to run into this on a conscious level. I say conscious, because whether you are aware of it or not, we all have been dealing with it. And 99.99% of the people out there had and have, no idea of what just hit them, attached to them, or is influencing them. Shockingly, the majority of you think the thoughts and feelings you are expressing are YOU. When the whole time it's the hitchhikers that are putting those thoughts, desires, avarice, and lust into your lower, reactive mind. None see it for what it is.

It took me years to understand this and also in learning to recognize myself from something ephemeral and yet, external, yet still influencing my behaviors. Years.

And that was with the conscious effort to understand and see and know.

