Saturday, July 10, 2021

It's a Map 7 Fixed.

Here is what I know about the raqia or firmament. It's water that has elastic properties as well as the ability to become hard, like super ice, when necessary. But, if you were to stand up to it, you could plunge your hand in like in a pool or sink. It's why every star image looks like it was taken in a swimming pool. But also, that is just a film layer as beneath it is the actual water/glass dome which in my mind, is the hardest substance in existence, and its water. I still can't wrap my mind around that. There is water on both sides of the dome. Pretty much my deepest dig, with proof, on the subject. When rockets hit the dome, you get ripples. When they scrape along the dome, you get speed boat wakes. Identical in every respect.

And the bodies of the angels themselves? Made with sound, in water, gives their light bodies a central point of influencing radiance, which is showered upon the earth, according to His Good Pleasure and Will. 

It's why the satanists use angel or star totems in their lust for more power, for they know this is of a truth. And can be misused like they always do. It's also why this knowledge has been kept back from the average dunsky (a dork like me). They would "try it out" and hurt themselves and their rightful destiny in the process. Full knowledge of reality isn't always helpful when the general population's heart is not right. 

It's also why villains like Gates and most countries routinely block out that angelic and sun's light (Uriel) from reaching us as part of the chemtrail program that was started in 1959. They would love nothing more than to cut us off totally from the varying blessings and grace through those gentle healing stars.

If you research the thing, you'll find all the above realities exist here, on earth, and also have been demonstrated as being a way something can exist.
