Thursday, July 15, 2021

Killing the very energy that ALL commerce relies upon

Gas shortages. When Trump left office, gas was 2.89 US and now is almost 5.00. In some places in the area its 6.50

Food shortages and high prices.

Buying out farmers to burn their harvest.

Stopping cargo ships from unloading at major ports and parking them outside the harbor.

Keeping freight on docks for who really knows how long.

This can only happen when someone is executing a black operation, under the table, yet open warfare against a nation state. And it's our own government working with corporations to pull it off. Which, are one and same people.

They are burning down churches and erecting statues to Satan.

The net result will be riots, starvation, and the complete social breakdown of society. And we know what the satanists are capable of to make sure it goes down that way. This is a very ugly time.

He is right. This is our last summer of freedom.
