Sunday, July 18, 2021

Painted Desert Arizona

From my research over the years, this is America's largest standing forest of antediluvian Giant Tree Stumps (the angels cut down the trees, right before the FLOOD). It includes one of the larger tree stumps in the country.

See for yourself. Use google maps and take points on those highways and see the stumps, a bunch of them, from ground level.


A forest cut down. The surrounding colored or PAINTED desert is the petrified remains of the trees that were felled.

Massive Tree Stump

These are actually TWIGS from the Giant Trees

There is also a curse upon the land. Anyone who takes ANY petrified wood from here now has a full on life of misery, misfortune, sickness, divorce, and death. Thousands of pieces of stone/wood are returned each year from unhappy thieves. Look it up, it's legit. Try Legends of America, they have covered that well enough.

This is why I've said in times past, these ancient tree sites have both good and bad energy. It mainly had to do with the pre flood nephilim center and what they were up to. Like Sodom, that locale came under severe judgement and till this very day, nothing grows, it's totally inhospitable, no water, nothing. It's a spiritual dead zone.Which the satanists love, of course.

Same with any site Our Father has brought Judgement. It's dead, there are signs and markers of the judgement, once you get your eyes right.

And you are. Now.

This whole Northeast section of Arizona and the four corners region was one vast Nephilim Center of Horrors. It's why it is the way it is. His judgement lasted on both sides of the flood.


Two ENORMOUS tree stumps west of Flagstaff. Once you get the idea and sense of HOW BIG these pre-flood Trees were.

Two MASSIVE Tree Stumps in Sedona, AZ.

Area of the Western United States still under judgement to this day. It's why a place like Las Vegas, is where it is. When you really start to see and understand, then zoom in and see and KNOW.

Now, you'll understand why over the last 2 decades, I've done so much work there in taking out altars, closing portals, etc. All the country's major ley lines come through here, the arc out and away to the major cities, which of course, are as corrupt as can be. As no one be told NOW, right?

Check out the Black Forest in South Dakota from the air. It's actually one single massive Tree stump. Once your eyes see correctly, you cannot unsee this knowing going forward. It's with you for the remainder of your life.

PPS. If you ever find yourself in ANY room with those small rectangular drain grates in the center of the room and along the walls, you are in a kill chamber. You are there to die. Choose wisely.