Sunday, July 25, 2021

The ground shall burst forth

That's nothing. Waiting until the broken earth starts revealing never ending moans and wails and screams. That's coming too.

You think this is freaky. This is nothing. When the earth condemns you, you know judgment is coming. The stones shall cry condemnation and outrage. At that moment you will realize that each aspect of creation is animated by a class of angels (a lower order choir) with souls as has been proved by photography by moi.

These "elemental" angels serve the Creator, YHVH. They have a soul, too. And purpose, and life, and reason to be.

Look to the right of Matt. We were just outside in the lineup, as we always do, thanking Him for the day, saying our Father's Prayer, and breathing with the very much alive ocean. I have hundreds of shots of faces around us when we are in the water. All that is IS ALIVE. That glass of water? IS LIVING.

Taken in the backyard a few years ago.

Bagged this sentinel of the Earth in Death Valley.

Spirits of the air. They have a course to run, like in a circuit. However, in this case, this is a Watcher class angel.