Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The war we find ourselves in


The war we find ourselves in


Turning off the TV back in 1987. Thing of it was, I had noticed in my early and mid twenties, that all my friends had plans, were doing, and making it happen. At some point, usually after the girlfriend or whatever change became more permanent, the TV came into their life as well. I would visit these friends and as always, find them no longer doing, being, making it happen and on to the next bold adventure. No.

They had become after work TV droids. And stayed that way. And got fat. And lazy.

At the time, I studying the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita, at the same time, to get a deeper sense of the world's religions, and was spending every single weekend up in the mountains, on a self created adventure, and being generally happy as could be. I turned the TV off. It has stayed off.

I got a gift a few years ago of a flat screen TV, used and older, but there it sits. Not on. Never on. Unless one of the sons is over and they have it up for whatever reason.

To me, it's a boat anchor. So, no great revelation, it's just I watched my friends change into something they once detested themselves. Lethargy, apathy, being a do nothing.

That life felt and still feels, alien to me.

At the time, I didn't know a thing about mind control, or using ELF and EMF to mess about with our brains. It was all, for me, seeing the downward change in friends that did it.

Closing a portal or altar

Okay, this is actually the best and easiest part. Getting there, going in harm's way, removing the physical altar, etc was all work. Hazardous, too. But, there you are, in front of a busticated situation and, in your own words and idiom, you might say

Oh Heavenly Father my Elohim. I pray thee Yeshua that you extend your healing grace and make whole this sour ground. I ask that no vile rite or error ever occur here again. On Yeshua's Name and Blood. Amen.

After a few years, by the time you are turning inward, your heart fills your chest pushing outward, the joy is in and around you, and before you can finish the first word, it is already done.

I, if possible, also salt the area with Holy Water. Which is just blessing water in the name of YHVH, Yeshua, and Holy Spirit. Done.

In the beginning, I had to take a beat and get that deep connection going, before laboring. Last 16 years, the connection simply is never severed. It's nice.

The above is for those who might one day find themselves in front of such an ugly thing and place. Just remember, that can be remedied. It might be you, one never knows.


The Buzz

Amongst my friends and such over the years, we have the connection with the Holy Spirit we've given as a giggle: THE BUZZ. You have this constant, fearless, inner joy, peace, and calmness that pervades your eyes, speech, manner. And, strange as it seems, you feel slight high.

Like an all the time buzz.

Not a stoner buzz, not like that.

It's there, none the less. And you find yourself constantly smiling even there is damn little to smile about, some days.

In the presence of negative spirits

Which is in most cases, ALL OF THEM. Your aunty gets 21 days after death, if not a particularly evil person, to visit loved ones, say good bye, console the bereaved.

After that, or sooner, they are GONE. Then your aunty sleeps until she comes again.

Anything pretending to be a little boy or girl, crying out for help. Or your aunt, or mom, or dead sister. Whomever. It's a demonic, pretending to pretend.

Know this about the spiritual world. It's just like ours. We are really sun beings. We live, and move and have our being under the Grace of the Antiseptic warm sun, in which the archangel Uriel is regent. It's the the Word, look it up. Enoch, is a starter.

For Our Father's blessed creation, it's the day and the warmth of the Breath of Life. Energetically speaking, creation is powered by the Anode He sort forth in our sky.

For the damned, it's cathode. Negative. Dark. It takes energy, like the moon does (it's power) and produces cold. It's why ghost dorks and portal closers always run into cold spots. At that moment, the damned are present. The world of Lucifer reigns there.

Cold is the key to spirit ID. BTW.

Also, when Yeshua returned from death after 3 days, the saints that were slumbering, rose with Him. It's all over the Word. Slumbering...sleeping. It's the same rule for us all. 

My Father recently passed this last April, for the better part of three weeks, as my brother had done and mother later, they appeared all the over the house. Everyone could see them. The first weekend in May 2021, my sons, with friends and girlfriends were here and we were talking about his recent passing and his appearances, sometimes half a dozen times a day. The kitchen, living room; I'd turn a corner, he be standing there, smiling. That last saturday, we were all downstairs, again, discussing his passing and now appearances, when He Appeared in the hallway and slammed the door so loud, the entire house shook. It was the last time we saw him. His last appearance was witnessed by 8 people.

When a loved has recently passed and the reveal is her favorite perfume, say a week later and you stop greiving for awhile. No cold spots. Just a healing moment and hey, everyone can smell her perfume and they smile.

That's consolement at work, friends. It's a great mercy Our Father gives us, from time to time.

When it's a loved one, they are wearing the clothes they passed away in and look like real living people. When it's a demonic, they appear in black clothes, greenish grey skin, sunken black eyes. 

Hope this helps the worrying souls out there with all those questions they've been asking for years.

And another thing.

Seeking out dead people, relatives or whatever is a strictly forbidden no no. You do not do it. You will end up with demons attached to you who lie to you, deceive and you will let them, believing them to be genuine. 

They are evil.

It is forbidden to have any intentional congress with the dead, through mediums, spirit readers, whatever. Its a blasphemy and Dad does not approve and will harshly CORRECT such behaviors. For your own good.

 Stay out of graveyards at night. You shouldn't be there anyways.