Friday, July 23, 2021

Trust me, the blood drinker said

I am a doctor, the white coat said,
I sacrifice to Lucifer, white coat said,
I kill for for satan, the phreak informed her.

Ever wonder how and why doctors could take all that covid money, keep taking it, and knowingly kill and maim millions?

Maybe now that they are admitting it to our faces, another cognitive dissonance moment is on for today.

What if I told better than 70% of doctors under 50 are blood drinkers. Heartless, money obsessed blood drinkers. This one doesn't care that you know, he's bragging. He's not stopping with old dad on the stretcher, he wants YOUR NAME too.

What you do not see nor hear, is his summoning of demonics to attack you as you complain. That pain in your side, guess who?