Friday, August 6, 2021

More Donnie Terminology

More Donnie Terminology (check back from time to time. I'll add to the list as I recall my own dictionary)



I made up my own, over the years, because frankly there is no manual or compendium in our time about this mixed bag of reality we know as the Adamic vs Canaanite bloodlines. I am putting this out because, obviously, I use these terms a great deal. 

Of course, you can make your own dictionary of reality, as I did and do. In many ways, we have to, to move and understand the thing we have as our reality on the rock.


  • Demonic Shine: When a powerful demon takes over from the host its body. No other look like it extant.
  • Poisoning the well: Someone who plants false info among the truth. 
  • Mickey or Michael Flynn: when someone intentionally feeds you false information. "He slipped me a Mickey," or "ahhh...another Michael Flynn. Again from this lady." In times past, hundreds of years, it meant getting a drink that has been altered, usually with drugs. To make one pass out so they can be easily robbed and or murdered. Someone actually drugged a soft drink I had when I was 17, with 3 yellow Valiums. I was unconscious for two days. Fortunately, a friend saw what had happened, got me out of that house and back to my apartment. I've been self supporting and living on my own since I was 16.
  • Turbulence: code for surveillance, so one can speak without giving over the real meaning when amongst the public. "He's our turbulence." "Lots of turbulence about, wouldn't you say?"
  • Whole Milk: both parents nephilim/hybrids. Multi generational satanists/witches. Coven family.
  • Half and Half: Mixed parentage. One Adamic, the other Canaanite bloodline. The neph are big on corrupting Adamic bloodlines. That's a fact. It's high on their agenda and the husbands and wives who suck an Adamic into a family and or marriage are rewarded and honored for their service in destroying YHVH's temple, our bodies. But then, once a half and half child or adult chooses Yeshua as their redeemer in repentance, the corruption is ended and reversed. Oh happy day!
  • Phreak: Tranny, pedo, nephilim hybrid. The worst.
  • Archon: Original angels that left their estate as watcher angels (recording angels) and followed Lucifer into sin, by corrupting Dad's lineage of Adamic souls. THE REAL REBELLION IN HEAVEN AND IN EARTH. These devils have been paroled back into circulation, their 4900 years of Sheol bondage completed.
  • Hitchhiker: A demon that attaches to a person while incarnation. One big obvious tell about such an event is the slow corruption of the body vis a vis tattoos, piercings, breast implants, etc.
  • Corpse riding. When people use dead folks to further an agenda or plank. Satanists are big on corpse riding. Thug and career criminal Saint Floyd anyone?
  • Fake Out or FRAUD: Someone who is Canaanite/neph/hy who pretends to be Adamic and Christian.
  • Whackers-Hitters: Covens who sole purpose is to kill enemies of the damned. The Manson Family was such a coven. They did hits all over the west coast, for various other covens. Hundreds in fact. This is more than verified by a great many sources. The Tate-La Bianca killings were sanctioned hits that got out of hand. Then Charlie was used to kill off the PEACE and LOVE movement that had overtaken the demonic hippy dippy drug reality. They couldn't have good overcoming their evil agenda, so Manson was used and then promoted in that vein. Sharon Tate and her hybrid family were ALL witches. The La biancas were too, and they had burned the Vegas and LA mafia families and the orders went out. Don't you realize that to be a made man in the mafia you have to be on a certain bloodline out of Italy. I've personally  witnessed Sammy Gravano and a bunch of other mobsters shift on YouTube. Sammy wears dark glasses all the time now. So why go after the mob, then? The CIA didn't want the competition to their take over of mob enterprises. The remainder or post echo of what the US mafia once was are now SERVANTS to US Intelligence. Check it out, it's legit.
  • Nephilim: bloodline of Cain. Blue bloods. 
  • Hybrid: bloodline of Cain intermixed with Adamic.
  • Demon: any of the lower class of these dead nephilims. 
  • Rake/windigo/skin walker: A class of demon that exist on the earth plane in heavy shade, but mostly at night. Sunlight burns them. It's why witches and all this evil does the bulk of their rituals at night.
  • Shadow Walker: Usually a black magi, male or female, or a recently departed satanist.
  • Witch: Any male or female practitioner of the dark arts. A blood drinker.
  • Chimera: Half animal, half human. Sometimes they are blend of 3 or more species.
  • Snapper head: women who wear the permanent scowl. Always lesbian (even if with a man), always a witch, always seeking more evil. A derogatory term. They NEVER smile, unless it is forced. Their eyes condemn everything they see with their hate filled scowl. This should be a huge tell for the folks out there.
  • Sleeping bag: Witch who is doing her 3 year term as a prostitute, as most must do to advance. They're goal is the spread demons to others. In this, they are very successful. Mostly found in and around bars and such.
  • Breeder or bread winner: A mom who makes babies for the coven. A breeder also is the mom who has gender dysphoria children, because they are bred that way. Intentionally.
  • Slug: low level coven members who gang stalk for the FBI and or CIA.
  • Gimp: A government CI or stooge.
  • Troll: low level demon that inhabits swampy, dark areas where bodies are dumped.
  • Ink Baby: Baby bred by the incubus ritual. A witch is impregnated by a manifested demonic. These things grow up to be the worst of the worst. I've run into countless such children. Whenever in the presence of the Holy Spirit, its eyes turn glossy black. Cannot hide, too young. That upset quite of few people at times when I was around. Many stories about that.
  • Dunsky: A man who foolishly beds a wench (witch) and creates hybrid babies.
  • Reptoid: High level nephilim. I've personally seen more than my share. They really do look like snakes with bodies. They have mental powers that in the main, can easily overpower and control the average person.
  • Meat sack: A borrowed body, in use by a demonic.