Sunday, August 29, 2021

Principalities and such

Principalities and such

Don Bradley


Daniel 10:10-14

The Angel's Prophecy of Persia, Greece

10And, behold, an hand touched me, which set me upon my knees and upon the palms of my hands.  

11And he said unto me, O Daniel, a man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright: for unto thee am I now sent. And when he had spoken this word unto me, I stood trembling.  

12Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. 

13But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.  

14Now I am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days: for yet the vision is for many days.

As can be seen from the above, Archangel Michael had to do battle to overcome a powerful prince or principality. It took him 21 days, 3 x 7. And Michael is Heaven's chief warrior in such matters and his brothers with him, who so stand to this very day and beyond. These are they who carry the sword of judgment in their hands, smiting all who come under such as appointed by the Most High Adonai.

These principalities, which the Holy Word refers to as princes, in short, are those that fell and whose allegiance to Lucifer in their rebellion made them so. Their charge is to encourage evil in every guise and practice that one might understand as so. The legions obey these dark time spirits and it is they whose dark countenance exist as a constant source of stumbling for those whose lives, as they come again, life after life, in whatever country they are born into.

They can easily be overcome through repentance, acceptance of his salvation, and a water baptism, as He instructed us.

John 20

21Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.  

22And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost:  

23Whosoever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained. 

We live in a world replete with powers, principalities, legions, et al of the darkest of dark spirits. The material world, creation, by definition is replete with them. It's just how it is, after the rebellion. 

These various entities are INFLUENCERS, in modern parlance. They empower and strengthen in every case, every vile vice, decay, and act of damnation that exists, known and unknown.

Higher level reptoid nephilim (blue bloods) are not only empowered by usually dozens of demons according to their spawn rank but also of a principality of varying classes. Powers are beyond this discussion today so will not be considered as relevant to the issues confronting us all.

These spirits are trapped on Earth. Thankfully. They move and live in the catacombs and DUMBS underground. It is also why most adrenochrome harvesting is done underground, mostly in the DUMBS. And almost always, Air Force bases, because of the ready access to runways and transportation.

In contrast, the stars in the sky or heavens are OUR principalities or INFLUENCERS. Their domain, rightfully so, is in the heavens. Each opposing groups are found in their natural habitat, so to say.

This is why the ancients as proved out in the books of Jasher and Maccabees and Enoch took note of the stars in the heavens, as was illustrated in the birth of Abram, during the days of Nimrod and his satanic rule. These influencers give and gave energy to certain aspects of EVERY SINGLE SOUL born. No exceptions. Modern astrology assigns these influences to planets, ANGELS as we know, and then relates them to lower issues germane to the body and lower emotions. The ancients knew and we know, that influences have to do with where, why, and the work to be done in each life.

We know the stars are angels as defined completely so in the Holy Word. In fact, here is a picture of one. This has been covered in some detail in previous articles and will again, in the future as it relates to differing topics to come.

I appreciate that many of you still cannot fathom, because of your programming regarding the truth of life after life. Tell that to the people who have died and returned. Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of souls who have given strong testimony to the fact of this remembrance from birth or through some other means, like hypnosis. 

The code in the Holy Word is the following.

  • 12Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out. Revelations 3
  • to come again. EVERYWHERE in the book. Hundreds of times. And He is talking about returning again in a new life.

Yeshua himself said John the Baptist was Elijah who was to COME AGAIN. He didn't not say, as the liars change it, that he came in the likeness or spirit of, but THAT HE WAS ELIJAH WHO CAME AGAIN.

And those who say that was just a one off thing. Makes a mockery of the whole Bible then, for what is the way and law for one, is for all. 

And remember this, you doubters and programmed Christians. You once believed, because you trusted deceivers from bible colleges controlled by the nephilim since the 1870s that

  • The pangea theory.
  • Evolution and billions of years. what a laugh.
  • A globular, heliocentric system of a ball spinning through space
  • The rapture lie, as pushed on us by satanists in the early 19th century.

Among the hundreds of other false teachings that have no basis in the holy word, when there are over 400 outright examples of reincarnation in the Holy Word.

And let me ask you this and explain this to me without a fallback and stunted answer. Explain how a little child of three, can get, suffer from, and then die of a horrific cancer. I have been to a children''s hospital, here in Los Angeles. Tell me the sin the committed, as a newborn, to receive such a curse?

Even the disciples asked Yeshua regarding a man He had healed who was blind from birth, as well as the lame, was the sin his own, or his parents, or what? How about a thalidomide child, born as a mutant to live out a horrific existence beyond understanding?

And if you answer we all are born into sin, yes, that is true, for life of Earth is one of corruption. Why were you born healthy and such, when some others are born into horrific circumstances of being and bodily as well? God's will? Aren't you the lucky one.

Doesn't sound very fair.

It's only fair because we are dealing with causes and effects over THOUSANDS OF YEARS and hundreds of lifetimes.

t's as simple as this. When we pass away, we sleep, in the earth. Often near where we are buried or if we refuse that, to wander as a spirit without compass, until we COME AGAIN. That is it. Cut dried.

All the one lifers, as I call them, have is one little place in the Bible about man is appointed once to die. This is of a truth. When your body expires, your spirit leaves you. It weighs 21 grams, as has been proved too many times. When the silver cord breaks only Yeshua can reanimate your corpse.

Search your heart. Pray on the matter that He reveal this great truth to you. As He did about the age of the Earth.

We pray and turned upward, toward and beyond the dome, to HIM. In all things. The Holy Spirit that exists for one and all, reaches upward and outward, in His Grace. For the nephilim, they turn their heads DOWNWARD when they pray, facing Satan in Sheol and his minions, rather than raising their eyes, open hands, and open hearts SKYWARD to heaven above us.

Think these things through.

To be updated.

Before moving onward, a reminder from the Holy Word of Yahua and Yeshua. 

Hebrews 1

13But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool?

14Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?

It is unlawful to pray to angels, seek their power through prayer, ritual, or incantations or any other device to obtain their subservience to your desires, regardless. Any of such is pure black magic and is a deadly error that leads only to dark paths, no matter how pure one thinks one's motive might be. 

These are ministering spirits. They serve Yeshua and the Most High Adonai, YHVH. Any supplications or prayers are to be aimed solely at our Creator and His Son. No exceptions. Through His good graces He instructs the angel choirs that are aids, influencers, and assistants to our daily walk as He Sees Best. Leave all angelic contact up to Him and Him alone. 

If Adonai wishes it that there is contact of some kind that He wants you to be aware of, things will be arranged so at His Pleasure and for no other reason. Praying to Michael for strength in battle or some other blasphemy of Spirit is a tradition of evil men, in defiance of the Holy Word and Guidance, to worship and seek out no other spirit, good or bad, but only Him and His Son, Yeshua.

We are our Father's family and are created a little lower than the angels, but upon succession of salvation becomes heir to the promise and ARE ABOVE the angels. This is so the very moment the Holy Spirit enters into you.



1. Dad's regents and principals on Earth, and his workers.