Friday, August 6, 2021

The children of Officer Sicknick at today’s Culver City White House ceremony

Where to begin?


  1. Police officer corpse riding for an agenda at fake white house*. Which means the cop was neph/hybrid, given the little girl. Keep backing that blue.
  2. McSniffy loves going in for the bite. Only satanists would let this vampire near a child.
  3. This sicknick (fake name, really) family is multi-generational satanists.And no, dont' believe any facefarce legend about the cop's background. The canaanites are masters at creating fictional families. Remember Obuttboy and Big Mike and their alleged daughters, which they really rented from another neph family from Chicago? You get it.
  4. By her age, she has been raped repeatedly in satanic ritual abuse. Soon, she'll be as bad as all the rest. Plus whatever her own dark past is, as her lives came and went. A real Adamic child would have screamed aloud when Sniffy pinched her...rear end and would have run from him. Confirmation she is what she reveals herself to be.
In point of fact, being born into a whole milk (both parents neph/hy), means she is continuously born into such bloodlines. Only in half and half marriages (one parent Adamic, the other Canaanite)is there a chance at a good soul. In these cases, choosing Yeshua as a freewill decision does 2 very wonderful things. 

  1. You no longer, ever again, be born into a mixed marriage family. That time is past. Yay!
  2. Once you have chosen wisely, your nephilim/hybrid DNA is quickly changed from neph to Adamic. Within time, there is no trace of the old, former, corrupted bloodline. Another gift of Christ's great gift to the world. This is the best part of redemption in our world, as far as being in a meat sack goes.


Why do you have your hand up her backside?

Check out her eyes. Hybrid witch.

* Corpse riding. When people use dead folks to further an agenda or plank. Dem/satanists are big on corpse riding. Black hearted thug Saint Floyd anyone?