Wednesday, August 11, 2021

What do I do?

The Holy Spirit speaks

This is based on my experiences alone. Not others, or what others have written. I can only give over what I have experienced. I'm sure there are many deeper and wider dimensions to the whole thing that I'm not aware of. But, in my case, this is what I have experienced.



I've been getting a great many questions of late regarding what should a person do during these strange days. With that, how can I know its the Holy Spirit and not something else, including biases, etc?

The Holy Spirit advises like the Holy Word reads. 

It never contradicts itself. 

It never advises you EVER to go against the Ten Commandments. 

Most spiritual advice from this aspect of our Elohim, is one of CORRECTION. To be a better person, in all cases. To cease from doing the things that are inherently evil and or self destructive in one's self, relationships, the world.

The Holy Spirit works like a correcting rod that keeps your ship on the razor's edge of the straight way in all cases. 

It pushes us to own our errors and make amends. 

In encourages us to a greater relationship with both Our Father and His Son.

It is your best, most loving and attentive friend that inspires all good things within you: healing, love, forbearance, kindness, generosity, selflessness, sacrifice, honestly, precision, accuracy, courage, and gives you the strength to face your troubles.

It is the foundation of the relationship between you and the Most High Elohim and the world at large. 

It gives unique insight to the revelation of a lie told to you.

It reveals nuances of a person, place, or thing that cannot be otherwise obtained.

It gives constant guidance, even without our awareness sometimes, that leads to a daily life in Grace. 

Like that.