Thursday, September 9, 2021

Elul 2, 2021 Tribulation of the Saints

Elul 2, 2021 Tribulation of the Saints

Don Bradley

In September 2017, as many of my readers already are very much aware, this world experienced a fulfillment of biblical prophecy: The Revelation12 event that took place at noon, over Jerusalem on the new moon of Tishri and predicted as well in the following.

Leviticus 23

23And the YHVH spake unto Moses, saying,

24Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, in the first [day] of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, an holy convocation.

Revelation 12 fulfillment, Los Angeles Time PDT 9-23-17 9am-noon Jerusalem time, as it must be to fulfill any and all biblical prophecy. Jerusalem is the center of all things in this world and nowhere else.

New Moon Fall starts Autumnal Equinox Revelation 12, begins at sundown on Friday the 22nd, through sundown the 23rd on Saturday, Los Angeles time.

  • New Moon

  • Fall starts

  • Autumnal Equinox

  • Revelation 12, begins at sundown on Friday the 22nd, through sundown the 23rd on Saturday. 

  • The REAL Shavuot, as revealed by YHVH in the Torah, not Sunday, as the Catholics changed it, in abomination. 

  • 1st of Tishri

  • Feast of Trumpets

  • Rosh Hashannah

  • Witches Black Sabbath, as they do to be in opposition to Yeshua/YHVH

  • Rosh Chodesh

  • Entering the sign of Virgo

  • Jubilee Year alignment 7x70 4900 years

Revelation 12

1And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:

2And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.

This has NEVER happened before nor will it after, according to painstaking research by myself and others four to five years ago, searching over 7,000 years of time; six thousand years previous and one thousand into the future. This was and remains a one off event. This is so because no other time could ever be mistaken for the period time in current history we know as THE TRIBULATION OF THE SAINTS or tribulation in short.

This singular event set into motion the Tribulation Period. The deceivers out there try and have tried to put this in 2 or 3 BC, but that is a flat out lie that can easily be proved in 4 minutes using the free stellar cartography software known as stellarium. Download it and see for yourself. After you do that, take a long hard look at the fake Christians who decried this amazing and wonderful sign given to us by the Most High Adonai to let us know when the 7 year period of Tribulation begins.

A great deal of this wonderful research by others and myself has disappeared from the internet. They do not want you to know this. Church leaders who are nephys (nephilim hybrids), as well as other internet frauds will insist this wasn't the Rev 12 Event, as I call it, but was just a coincidence...if you can believe that. In the end, they always show their true colors. Always.