Thursday, September 2, 2021

The Chosen Flock

 The Chosen Flock

By Morgan Franklin

If you are reading this with a humble heart—odds are that you are chosen by the Most High.

If you are awake and know His truth in a world so blind to it—odds are you are chosen by the Most High.

If you don't feel worthy of his love and grace- odds are you are chosen by the Most High.

We were lost but now we are found. We don't find ourselves. He finds us, because we are His chosen flock.

I'm blessed that I was found, because being lost in this unholy system is quite punishing. For me, many nights crying yourself to sleep until I couldn't cry anymore. Crying shows us that we don't expect something. I got to the point where I didn't shed a tear anymore, because I started to embrace the problem of life. Even though we embrace it we are still in captivity and we look for a way out.

Sadly I didn't turn to the Way, the Life and the Truth in Yeshua (Jesus.)

But I started to study the Occult because it made me feel better about myself and when you talked to Witches that told you your future it seemed like the truth at the time.

After having supernatural events in my life, like encountering one of my three spirit guides (AKA Demonic attachments) in a dream. I felt this was the truth of the universe because of my encounters with the supernatural. As what the world can only offer is temporary happiness.

About a year in the sadness started to creep back and then the doubt comes in, but when you're in the occult you look for ascension in some form to comfort you. For me, I wanted to reach out to a friend of mine experienced in the occult to gain so called wisdom.

That friend was Don, little did I know that yes he was experienced in it but that he was the enemy of it. Long story short: that day I got saved, baptized and anointed, my life changed ever since. Yes, I still don't feel worthy of the blessings He gives me after two and a half years being claimed. Feeling low is more of a blessing then a curse when you're with the Father because you only have UP to go.

He will exalt the low. He will satisfy those seeking after righteousness. He will fill their hearts with His Love.

Personally, I acknowledge how weak, stupid and retarded I am daily. Which is true if we compare ourselves to our Messiah. Even other Christians don't like it when I say it. The day I see our Messiah Yeshua I feel like I'd want to bury myself in the ground because I feel lower than dirt.

It is not ourselves that makes us great, it is only Him. He just wants us to love Him and acknowledge Him, He will fix us. That is what is great when He dwells in you; He shows you the Way.

Here is some advice, it might sound unconventional but... If you attend a church, consider leaving and having the Teacher of all teachers teach you—Yeshua.

Satan is at work these churches and he leads people to captivity. I was starting to go to one recently for bible studies and what I noticed is that my anger started to flare up again, before I felt I had more control over it. I felt like I had to do more for God and turn myself to Him completely.

Our Father showed me that the Church was the cause of those issues and the new age bibles that they were using. I thought that I could see through the deception but it was having a toll on my spiritual self that I didn't see til the end. The main cause was that they were imposing their will on me and it made me miserable. Even in the new age bibles, it makes it seem that God imposes his will on us, so just reciting scripture from these books has the same effect.

Yes, we are supposed to feel small, humble and unworthy. It leads to our salvation but if it is making you miserable there is a hidden variable in your life that is causing you to think that way. Yeshua/Jesus is liberating, if you don't feel that at church consider leaving. Talk to the Father, he will respond just listen. But if you want to talk to the church feel free to contact Don or if you want to talk to me. Here is my email:


Editor's note

I can't take any credit for any of the above. It was all Yeshua, through and through. I just happened to be there, is all. DON.