Saturday, September 25, 2021

Why are the REAL appointed times different from the world's appointed times? Elul 18

 REAL appointed times Elul 18

YHVH wants intimacy with us more than we can
imagine and He has given us Appointed Times
and ways to draw closer to Him. He is calling
you back and revealing Himself through His
Appointed Times!


Unfortunately, many of us have been raised in a world so deeply corrupted by the ancient pagan Babylonian system that we never learned to participate in or even understand Yahua’s calendar or His Appointed Times. We have been greatly robbed of these beautiful “set apart” times that were given to Yahua’s people in the Old Testament and were kept by Yeshua  (Jesus), His disciples, Paul, and the “early church”. They teach us all about Our Heavenly Father and His son, Yeshua (Jesus).

His Feasts/Appointed Times are so near and dear to His heart, and He wants so much for us to celebrate with Him that He has actually instructed us to observe them. He didn’t instruct us to do them for it to be a chore. He instructed us to do them because He loves us. They are filled with blessings and insight regarding His salvation and prophetic plan.

As we honor His ways, we become attuned to His timing; we gain a new appreciation for the loving acts He has done in the past, and anticipate what He will yet do – and when He will do it. “But you, brothers, are not in darkness, so that this Day (day of Adonai) should take you by surprise like a thief ”. (1Thessalonians 5:4)

As we understand our Creator’s calendar and participate in His Appointed Times, He blesses us and stirs in us a passion to pursue His ways instead of the world’s ways. After all, His ways are always best! Let’s compare His calendar to the western “Gregorian” calendar: (YHWH) begins the year in early spring as plant life begins to bud and grow; the world begins the year in the middle of dead winter. Our Creator’s months start with the visibility of the crescent moon, whereas the world’s months start arbitrarily. Adonai begins the day with a beautiful sunset; the world starts the day at midnight in utter darkness. 

Our Heavenly Father sanctified the last day of the week for rest; the world, the first day, the  sixth day, or whatever day without regard for Adonai’s command, if there is any rest at all! We see in God’s word that the adversary “shall intend to change times and law” (Daniel 7:25) and up to this point, he has been quite “successful”, but thankfully, if we continue to read in Daniel, we see that our Creator’s “…kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey Him.” (Daniel 7:27)

It’s time to experience the joy of His calendar,accept our inheritance, and do His kingdom work. Are you ready?

You can get your FREE and ACCURATE calendar of the real days, months, years, and  appointed times in the link below.

Receiving a blessing of Fire