Sunday, October 24, 2021

All this demon blather




Friends, I can only give over what He gives me, plus my experiences. I'm looking at the thing from a more or less, warrior kind of Christian. A life path I did not choose. I was chosen.

Also, the information is coming from someone OUTSIDE of that reality, looking in. I'm sure that witches and the like laugh at this material and how shallow the knowledge is. I'm sure-if you ask them-they'd say exactly that. 

I've done and been where I've been only because He placed me there and I was the only guy around to do whatever needed doing. He's also filled my life with miracles and the like on a weekly or daily basis that to those around me, are just too astounding to believe, even witnessed. No one can turn their back on that. No one.

Certainly not me. 

For example, as it happens this morning, I was out in the garden with a bunch of my old day planners and 2015 fell open to the week of Sept 7th. I glanced downwards and there was facing me, an entire week of miracles I had completely forgotten about. 

9-8-15 The letters YHVH (name of Adonai (God)) in 300 foot tall letters appeared overhead in front of me, son Matt, and friend Al. Then it dissolved.

9-9-15 While walking in a field talking about things that matter, a huge star flashed overhead, filling the sky. As a punctuation to wrapping up the evening's talk as it was dark by then. 

9-12-15 Shemitah begins. Amazing sunset that was wow...

9-12-2015 Sunset

This is my life. I am loathe to mention any of it, but am advised to do so. Personally, I feel my private walk with Dad is my  business alone; and with whom I share these events, too. It's our business. And I cannot make anything happen; it just happens around me. All the live long day. Everywhere I go. 

Of course I'm like anyone would be. But frankly, given all my errors as a soul I don't understand why He is doing this to Me. I'm less than average; at best. I know this. At best.

So...thing of it is...just know this stuff about the dark side sickens the daylights out of me. It always has. I cannot believe people can do the things these people get up to. To this very moment, I'm shaking my head.