Tuesday, October 12, 2021

The snake slithers through history


Child murdering witch

During the Elizabethan Age, the fascination with the occult appeared in many underground organizations; it now surfaced in the Victorian Age.Witchcraft became widespread, even in the highest circles of society, with its rituals emphasizing mind-altering drugs, plants, and Satanic jewelry. Orgies and blood sacrifices were discreetly carried out in the heart of the London slums, and on remote ancestral estates. One of the more publicized of these groups was the Hermetic Society of the Golden Dawn, founded in1887 by three members of the Rosicrucian Society. All three were masons of high degree, and well known as cabbalists-Rev. A. F. A. Woodford, Dr. Wynn Westcott, a London coroner, and a Scot named Sam Liddell Mathers. 

The group was soon joined by William Butler Yeats, the poet,and Aleister Crowley, who was to become known worldwide for his practice of black magic.The purpose of the Hermetic Society was to worship the Ten Sephiroth, that is the Kabbalah, so that. they could then be endowed with magic powers, and could call on supernatural forces as their allies. The members set up Degrees as follows: Neophyte, four degrees; Under Order, four degrees; and the Third Order, four degrees. 

Madame Blavatsky became famous as the organizer of Theosophy. She developed the society after a sojourn in India; the Indian chapters later came under a cloud because of the arrest of its members for the practice of homosexuality. She then moved to Great Britain, where she founded the Theosophical Society there, the precursor of the American group of that name. She also founded the Hermetic Society. Her chief assistant in the Theosophical Society, a cabbalistic organization, was Mrs. Annie Besant, who is also well known as one of the founders of the Fabian Society in 1884. The co- founders of the Fabian Society were all Freemasons; they were George Bernard Shaw, Lord Haldane, Ramsay MacDonald, and Sidney and Beatrice Webb. The group took its name from the Roman General Fabius, who was celebrated for his deliberate and long-range strategy. The Fabian plan was to wait, as Fabius Cunctator had waited to attack Hannibal, to wait for the right moment. 

In England, the Fabians proposed to use the Roman general's strategy to gradually impose a tyrannical Socialist government upon the people of England through devious long-range planning. This conspiratorial approach won for the Fabians the nickname, "the Jesuits of Socialism." As part of their strategy, in 1890, Annie Besant became the chief agitator in the English textile industry, which was centered in Lancashire.

If any Government, Church, or Institution opposes or stands in the way of the Communist State, they must be ruthlessly overthrown and destroyed. If World Unity is to be attained, it must be through International Communism, which can only be arrived at by the slogan, 'Banish the Gods from the Skies and the capitalist from the Earth.' Then, and only then, will there exist a complete World Fellowship of Faiths." This is a concise statement of the ambitions of the international Canaanite conspiracy. Banish the Gods; Satan's rebellion against God-the Curse of Canaan had not altered its slogans in three thousand years of recorded history. 

Rabbi Ben Mozeg told the World Fellowship, "What is certain is that Masonic theology is only theosophy at bottom, and corresponds to that of the Kabbalah .... Those who will take the trouble to examine with care the connection between Judaism and philosophic Freemasonry,Theosophy, and the Mysteries in general .... will cease to smile at the suggestion that the Kabbalistic theology may have a role to play in the religious transformation of the future. It contains the key to the modern religious problem."

Here again, we are offered the solution to all problems by the Canaanites; return to the worship of Baal, brought up to date in the twentieth century, and we enter a religious transformation.This is the cup of hemlock which the Fundamentalists offer to us.

They are no longer hiding ANYTHING. Only someone willfully a fool cannot see what is demonstrably in front of them.
Curse of Canaan