Saturday, October 2, 2021

Vampires pretending to be Vampires

Again, the nephilim that go deeper into the dark side have their Canaanite DNA take dominance over any Adamic DNA. Follow Yeshua, and the reverse becomes true.

That's how it works. That's how the unclean can be made clean and of course, how the clean can become corrupted.


There was a period between about 2002 and 2011, when most video cameras-especially the pro ones-used a ccd chip that captured the etheric. I had a camera that did and does so, tho I can no longer get it to charge. Then in late 2011, they shifted to HI DEF transmissions and changed ALL the CCD chips to the newer generation we are still using today.

If you'll notice, all these clips revealing the etheric envelope of the body resulting in making these shifts visible to the camera are of that period, NOT LATER.

My old Motorola cell phone, a razor, had the old chip and it constantly grabbed all kinds of stuff, especially around myself and certain other people. I wish it still worked. If someone had the holy spirit, it could be photographed.