Tuesday, November 2, 2021


Greg Reese breaks down how the chemical compound adrenochrome is found in expired epinephrine pens or EpiPens. The two largest EpiPen manufacturers, Kaleo and Mylan, happen to be connected to the Clinton Foundation.

Reese also dives into the startup company Ambrosia Health that charges thousands of dollars to fill customers’ veins with the blood of younger, healthier donors. This report highlights the multiple industries creating a market for human blood, cells and other compounds the elite seem to be obsessed with.


In the book I read back in the late 70s titled UP AND DOWN WITH THE ROLLING STONES, their head roady guy revealed that all through the 1970s, Keith Richards was doing blood replacement therapy, at a cost of $5,000.00 per treatment. This involved his ENTIRE blood supply replaced with pure, clean, virginal children's blood. At the time, the explanation, was to get through customs because of his heroin addiction. But when one thinks about it, that's bs. No customs people checks anyone's blood for anything, it's the passport that matters. 

Remember too, $5,000.00 is like 100,000.00 today. You could get a brand new Mercedes 450SL for 5K back then. A modern one sells for easily 100k.