Saturday, November 13, 2021

Demonic items

 Some experiences with such things.

Around December of 2005, the latest video release of Kill Bill, in a yellow cover, was coming in the house. My son and I were standing near the door just as this and other items were about to come in from shopping. The moment the video crossed our threshold, Randy (age 41/2) started crying and pointing at the video box.

I could instantly see why.

The moment the video crossed back outside from the doorway, he stopped crying and pointing at the box. He kept saying it was evil and evil was coming in the house. 

Of course he was right. It sat out in the truck that night and was returned the next day. His good heart and eyes could instantly discern harmful spirits coming in with the hexed movie. We found most movies were like this; very few rentals of new movies ever came in the house then and since. 

We sorted through our video collection and found mostly any movie made since 1985  was hexed and simply had to go in the trash, which we did. Some old black and whites were clear, but not the modern stuff.


(I'll add other things to this example list as I get around to it.)