Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Having your eyes opened...

Sometimes it takes being face to face with demons to understand we are in a WAR. It's what did it for me, all those years ago. It's one thing to read about it; quite another to experience for real, in real life.

Many people are attesting to demons coming from Travis and into the crowd, as well as other entities about. Know this. Every person who picked up such a thing that night, wanted it; either by activity, what they are on about, and all that. Folks attracted to his openly satanic brand of "music" is so by affinity, not happenstance. Those not so, are the ones reporting; the "freejacks", as I call them, who are not yet committed either way spiritually, are the ones being called out of darkness and to Christ. These are the people reporting the demons; they end up saved, every single one of them.

For at that event, the wheat and the chaffs were being separated.

This is happening more and more in our time, as folks realize what they are involved in and are finally beginning to see the truth of earth.