Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Hollywood's first coven

 A witch visits Mary Pickford's coven, they called "the club." Circa 1916. Every actress to get in the movies had to qualify under the following conditions

  1. They had to be at least, nephilim hybrid;
  2. Approved to the work by the High Priestess;
  3. Do nudes and submit to sexual favors upon demand at any time;
  4. Join and be obedient to whatever coven(s) they were associated with.

It's why there is such a plethora of old timey black and white nudes of young starlets like Barbara Stanwyck, Betty White, etc etc, that we have now.

Mary Pickford - High Priestess, plus 12 women. A coven.
Oh pathetic...they ALL of them are sporting Mary's hairdo. How groveling do you have to be to make it in those circles. Total slave mentality.
They actually sold coven music in stores in those days.