Thursday, November 25, 2021

Phreak Nasim revealing allegience

Enemy identification.


It fooled a great many people. Most of the pictures of it hid the Adam's apple; it usually wore a high collar or choker or was hidden by its hand or simply, airbrushed out of the pic. As they do.

It's big claim to fame was as an animal rights activist and eugenicist. It wanted 5 billion human beings DEAD to make room for more animals and creatures like it, of course. It rarely smiled and always had that, I want to KILL YOU look it was rocking.

The V signal is allegiance to Satan. It's not a peace symbol - that's just the hippy dippy cover for the truth of the matter. Neither is it a symbol for veganism, the other attack on humans the dark side got on with. It's why big Vs and Xs are stitched onto everything. So if you see ANY branded thingy with a V (Satan) or an X (Remphan, Moloch) steer clear. 

I've added a spread of sigils/seals of essentially, if you really step back and look at it, the same entity. SATAN. It's all versions of the HEXAGRAM (Moloch, Satan, Remphan) and the V, the spirit point aiming DOWN. 

Any person, product, group, channel, etc that uses these - usually stylized so it isn't so obvious, but is still there, like the mobius (stylized 666) you see all over stuff - is beholden to the beast. Regardless of denials and the like. Like X22, or 119 bla bla, and on and on. Once you understand this basic wisdom, you'll be able to suss out the wolves pretending to be lambs. And they always put a tell, right in your face, then lie about it meaning something else. Even when they are advised they are sending out a satanic signal that others can read whom they are trying to deceive, they keep the tell regardless.

Learn their codes. Protect yourselves and others.
It's larynx visible in this promo piece it did.
Satan allegiance reveal.

Always hiding the Larynx.

Again, with the hide stuff.

Let's see. Scales for skin; check. V for satan; check. Hiding larynx; check. Cruel, heartless eyes; check. Delusion of being a woman; check. We have a winner.

Sigils and Seals of Evil. These are the primaries. There are countless others, revealing and tied to, varying ranks of demonics. It's quite the unholy mess.

What this whole shits and giggles reality is all about. And we are the living, fiery symbols of Christ that they can actually put their hands to, hence our endless suffering for thousands of years. They cannot get at or hurt, the creator. We are the only thing they can harm. So we get it. We get all that hate, corruption, and murder. Sigh...



This is my/our sign and symbol. Always pointing to the most High, all these years.

John, pointing out the Way.

John by Raphael