Thursday, November 4, 2021



That means there is a great deal more pressure than they are admitting. For a 2nd volcano to go off today. No footage yet. But it will come.


Here's the pic. This is all the information I have as of yet. 

Also, I've looked over the live feeds, and there is SO MUCH smoke and stuff going up, it's hard to discern much of anything, except when the wind shifts just right, which is how this pic came to be. FYI.

This could all be much ado about nothing, but...

For whatever reason, they are burying this new information. Draw your own conclusions, but there are now 2 peaks, about a mile apart.


When the event happens, I am doubtful that we will get any kind of warning; I've caught them looping footage on their "live feeds" on more than one occasion and have declared so publicly. They do this when they want to hide something. And what good would a warning do for anyone so affected? It's them doing this, helping things along as they do. 

The only thing we can really count on is Our Father and His Son, Yeshua. They will warn. In point of fact, we ARE being warned. To trust in HIM.

The pre-tribbers are all out in force that this is the rapture and all that. NO, it is not, no matter how badly you declare with all that with the passage in Matthew about eagles gathering (in the air, the 1st heaven). For they ignore the other half of the verse, "there will be the carcase."

Which means the dead in Christ are gathered. Which means they DIE.

Be careful of false prophets, spreading Darbyism false rapture blather from the 1820s. It's one thing to be duped, but most of these people are doing this intentionally and it brings up an ire in me that is....

They also declare this is the start of the tribulation, ignoring the fact this is a 2nd trumpet event, WHICH BY DEFINITION MEANS WE ARE IN THE TRIBULATION OF THE SAINTS.

For Pete's sake, friends.... How much plainer does it need to be. How many years did we get the sky trumpets? Between 2018 and 2020, 34% of the earth was consumed in fire (1st trumpet).