Saturday, November 6, 2021

The message, not the messenger that matters.

Message not the Messenger

Don Bradley Cheshvan 1 2021

It's why I do not have a chatty kathy face going on blathering to no end, with the camera squarely upon ME. Those who name themselves as names. Who put the chattering face upon all you see. They have their reward; it is their self that matters. To them.

In this work, the servant who is faithful and true, puts the message first and last. Because a servant is simply a servant, not the master.

So, no talking head Donnie. And I have never done so. Nor will I.

The message matters. The truth of the message.

Those who deceive...their face is on all, diluting the message. Dad has no time for such, save in an oblique way. For their hearts are with themselves, not Him; or worse, it is fractional, ego and Dad; this is an error. 

This is so, because not only does the eye send light, but it is the receptor of light. And instead of His Light, they add their own light, darkening and diluting any presence of Him, in the message. And they KNOW what they are doing. And when a servant falls into this trap, he stops being the servant of Him, and has become the servant of HIMSELF.

It's just how it is.

So...whom do you serve? 

Yourself or Him?
