Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Understanding our time


I bring these elements of evil to your learning and knowing, as guided. It's so you understand precisely what you are up against and why. If you do not know, then how can you discern the people, places, and things about you?

To that end, here such information. Not to follow, but to recognize and avoid, passionately. For if you know the ways and means of darkness from the outside, you can safely traverse your life with wisdom and understanding.

And for those who attack these revelations and knowing, think upon what you are doing. You are serving evil, by insisting upon blindness. That has no good end to it, friends.

In 1976, when I was a young lad, I went to someone's house giving instruction on the Bhagavad Gita. He had dozens of such scrolls and explained what each were, what they did. He was also gay.

It was quite an education. I didn't understand it at the time, for as I told him, I was only interested in the HIGHWAY TO CHRIST. This annoyed him to no end, belittling Yeshua by saying he was "just another master of wisdom."

He died alone and horribly, him and his precious scrolls. I found out later, the whole kit and caboodle was donated to the Aquarian Education Group, in Agoura. Another satanic outfit, I discovered. Even in those days.

I've been on this road a very long time. Very long. Seems like forever.


An actual indoor amphitheater in China. For they are of the beast.