Wednesday, December 15, 2021

And now for something completely dorky


And you be thinking, that dork dude puts up some pretty weird stuff. And you would be right.

How about this though, just one of a bunch of things that show up when you pay attention.


Regards La Palma, before the whole thing went silent yesternight.  This was 12-13-21 at noon.

If you watch the glowing eyes to the lower right, at certain moments, you can see slits, indicating place of origin and soul. Also, when the other light flashes, you can see the spirit in the gaseous ash cloud, wearing a dopey expression. 

This is the kind of stuff I see and come across, but usually do not share. Because it's mainly just another reveal that is actually quite common, once your eyes are opened.

Feeling here it is for you. 

For a giggle.