Friday, December 17, 2021

Dork boy takes a trip

Dork boy takes a trip


Folks have been kindly asking about the shoulder...

But first, I am actually getting mail, for the first time in my life, from people giving thanks to what Yeshua and Dad have given us all, through this site. Those that have written are very kind. Of course, old friends and fellow workers have always been there, the whole while. Bless you all.

But I must say, all praise goes to Him. For He gave me the life, experiences, and guidance to give over this material, which is a blessing to us all. I always ask Him, before starting, to guide my hand, give me the words, provide the biblical passage, and to remove any portion that is Donnie, so that only His intent, meaning, and honesty remains. And He does!

We even high five on occasion. We have a very close relationship; it's wonderful.

Just now, Friday, the fixed idgit. You could at least have combed your hair, for the picture...


As for myself, after an article is published, I reread it for DAYS to get the deeper meanings He has given us. Days. Each time, I see new layers and understandings. It's been quite an education for my own self, all these years, but especially 2005 onward.

I say all this so that your gratitude is received in with love, but its HIS article, HIS guidance, and HIS love that makes it all, whatever it is. So, the messenger just carries the message; the giver of the thing deserves the praise, not the village idiot He picked to give it to.

Okay then.

Regards the whole shoulder thing. Was a friend's house and was briskly heading up a path of flagstones when one caught my foot and sent me head and shoulder first into a Post with a nail in it, which tattooed my head and right shoulder. I then fell, hard, on my left shoulder, dislocating it, and smashing my head against concrete that slammed me so hard, I was seeing stars around my head—just like in the cartoons—for 2 hours. I drove home like that (about 100 miles), amazingly, and fell into a couch for the rest of the night and so on. This was a Monday.

Wake up the next day, left arm and shoulder is paralyzed and that lasted 5 days. Also, my left knee was tattooed about the size of a grapefruit, had 3 fingers on both hands pushed so deep into my knuckles, that they were numb for 2 days.

So, arm in a sling, the ball back in its socket, half paralyzed, had to keep up with the information release, as our time is so very short. Folks started praying for me; of which I felt it all. I could see and feel restoration changes by the hour, it seemed. Then, the Saturday (Sabbath morning) following, I woke up and no pain, everything healed, both shoulders restored, the knee no longer hurt. Even the tattooing was gone.

Oh happy day!

And for all your prayers...Thank you and Bless you all.


PS. I can't imagine how long that would have taken without your prayers. Pretty sure I would still be dealing with it.

Doing fine, thank you.

PPS. I also had a few other malingering ailments that also went away that sabbath morning. Seems the whole smash was fixed. Thanks to you and Yeshua.