Friday, December 10, 2021

Understanding Deliverance Ministry

Understanding Deliverance Ministry

Don Bradley Kislev 6 2021

Part One

I asked our Father (Dad) for the verse for this. He led me to...
Acts 10
29 Therefore came I unto you without gainsaying, as soon as I was sent for: I ask therefore for what intent ye have sent for me?

It's best to inform the reader that I can only honestly discuss my experience in the matter. What I learned to do; the method; the results; and what I mostly have stayed with the last 15 years when that kind of field work was added to taking out altars, restoring soured ground, and closing demonic portals is generally how I refined it to what works. All three of these unholy realities exist, have existed for some time, and are still of moment, as far as deliverance ministry is concerned.

Each type of demonic situation is going to require a slight variation on a soon to be obvious theme; the point of which is to end the presence of the demon and send it far, far away. The best eviction work, as I have chosen to call it, is the removal of the little stinkers from folks whom are many times at the end of their rope. It's ALWAYS a day of joy, giddiness, and happy hugs all around. I've yet to do one of these things with a spirit of dread. You cannot bring that to the table because you've already demonstrated in spirit, that you doubt yourself, your trust in Christ, and are in fact, afraid of something you were given complete power over, in His Name.

You not only have to believe it in your heart, you have to have Yeshua's alert and commanding confidence before going to battle. Because that is what frankly is the measure of your soul in choosing to do this. Not to worry, He gives you all the strength, confidence, and inner assurance to trust in Him and all will turn out well. And it always does, as it happens.

Okay then.

As scary as deliverance ministry sounds, it's actually a spirit filled wonderful day. To see that happy soul finally free of their tormentors is a sharing of happy joy that exceeds any expectations. Every single time it ends with a spiritual baptism and repentance, leading to the planned salvation. When doing site clearing, the oppressive atmosphere disappears; the nasty smells vanish, and the presence of happy birds and the like usually announce the restoration of the ground sullied by the damned no longer.

Many people reading this have been the exact people who had, at one time, serious hitchhiker infections that were pulling their lives downward. I will not use their real names. They are in no way unique in their own particular sense, though the circumstances that brought them to such straights and then to my attention was entirely in Adonai's hands. Always is.

Everything discussed is approximately what anyone will encounter when

  • encountering a portal,

  • A kill ground,

  • soured ground (IE,a rake hide),

  • Hitchhiker attachments,

  • onset possession;

  • deep and permitted possession (witches, brujos, regardless of type or branch, Celtic, hoodoo, voodoo, sabbatean, Asherah, nagas, etc; satan remains top pyramid and the fallen watchers are the captains, each imbued with their own particular brand of unholy blasphemy to Christ and the Law). Behind them are the ranks, stacked like any military command.

Also upfront, I've read exorcism rituals from the Jesuits, Pentecostals, eastern orthodox, etc. And I declare, do these people have the Holy Spirit or not? Because they—the bulk of them—are not calling upon the sacred and Holy name of Yeshua (Jesus) Mashiach. They call on this or that DEAD PERSON as a saint, or an angel (forbidden), or Mary (Astarte) or some other demiurge to get rid of the demon. None of which works. But it does torment the living hell of out of the suffering person to no end, I must say. No wonder two outcomes happen with these fakes and every time.

  1. It takes repeated attempts that eventually give the illusion of removal, resulting in the endless unnecessary torture of the sufferer. The demon does this to get rid of the priests, all that holy water, and the torment the demonic spirit goes through when the Holy Word is read ALOUD in their presence.

  2. The demon returns later. Either months or sometime years, using the time beneath the person's radar to influence a continued downward spiral into a deepening mental and emotional psychosis of the poor person. By the time the demon makes another appearance, the suffering soul is nigh suicidal anyway and at their wits end.

Because of the above, I never bothered with any of that. Others have, claiming success. They put up staged youtube channels about it and microphone in hand, they declare the demon removed, praying aloud (wrong), and seemingly more selling themselves as these amazing doers rather than simple men and women doing the work of Yeshua. You no doubt have seen these frauds your own selves on television and the internet.

The heart knows, even before you watch it. Oh no...not another well oiled staged operation. And the gullible believe it, donate to it, and then the show changes up things and do these big public displays of deliverance ministry some other place and time. I've yet to see a single one of those mega church frauds ever do a real deliverance. And I know they can't, because most of these Pentecostal fakers are nephilim witches themselves, as proven repeatedly on this site.

Also this. I've seen guys who have never done such work as remove a demon from a house or a person. They take to the work without any skills and do the necessaries right off with complete success. The Holy Spirit is the key. All they did was command the thing to leave in Yeshua's name and blood and zip, you see it rip out of whatever it was anchored to and out through a wall, never to return. That darting black blur of the departing spirit comes as great relief to the suffering, and they too, usually see this their very own selves, out of the corner of their eye. This is Dad's way of giving them SIGHT KNOWING that the thing is gone, the suffering is over, and today is the first day of the rest of their renewed life.

See, Christ gives that confidence and assurance to go ahead, step into it, and deliver. And they do, with a smile on their face. Oh happy day!

NOT waving their hands; not shouting in a microphone; not making a big dramatic deal out of it like they are wrestling with the prince of darkness. Understand?

Folks that do this work, are called to it by circumstance rather than as a set out thing to do, are the often real deal, only thing that's needed, to solve the problem and free the sufferer from demonic abuse. I set out to do it, as it happens, starting with

  • fixing soured ground. Which led to

  • destroying satanic altars. Which led to

  • closing down portals. Which led to

  • hitchhiker evictions. (I do this weekly); which led to

  • removing a possessed soul under complete control of a demon.

For me, it's just the way things fell out. It's why I can also discuss a great deal of this stuff is because I've spent since the 1980s finding myself in open conflict with witches and covens and then learning what to do about it. It's been a long road. The battle has no end. Once it starts, it's for the rest of your life.

But the reward for others is worth all the hassle, loneliness, abuse, surveillance, attacks, betrayals, and horror that comes with it. It's not like the movies. Do not ever imagine that it is. It's one thing to clear a person of hitchhikers and it's actually quite easy to shut down a Karen. Their faces literally turn red like they are about to explode and when you tell them to remain silent, they do so. Instantly. They can do no otherwise.

The word gets around; every town I ever lived in, within two months a few of the designated witches make it clear to me in no uncertain terms they are aware of who I am and what I represent and that they will do all they can to mess up my life. And boy do they really set about doing just that. Since about 2005, they openly declare their intentions to obstruct and harm, right to my face. Like a gauntlet thing. Sometimes, right in front of my sons, they are so bold.

I digress.

End of Part One

Evict their Hitchhikers and help out the brother or sister.