Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Filled with Spirit TEVET 29

Filled with Spirit 

TEVET 29 2022

Don Bradley

Let's say you are a believer in Christ and as such, count yourself as a person in salvation. But, you feel empty, lost, and without a clear feeling of the Holy Spirit's presence in your life. There are several reasons this could be and usually is, so.

We continued in sin, regardless. This is the most common mistake, falling back into the old programmed patterns of whatever sins were an obvious feature of our life. All inner advice to the contrary is ignored. This lessens the advice and presence as seen by the person (though not in reality), which patiently awaits the day, when the person WISHES DESPERATELY to atone for these sins and BEGIN AGAIN.

The Holy Spirit is never idle. If the above applies, it constantly arranges events, perceptions, to reveal the error of these old vices and sins with increasing suffering until the person realizes that their main problems, are of their own creation. Then repentance and atonement, leading to freedom can begin again.

We adjured to apostasy, regardless. We continuously disobey the inner promptings of right action as given by the Holy Spirit. Say one learns about celebrating satanic festivals like Easter and Halloween, to fit in with the apostate around them, thinking nothing of the fact that this is wrong and were so made aware of it. Abortions happen upon this wise.

This is what is meant by, come out of Babylon, daughter of Zion. Be not of the Edomites who sin against the Most High and are an abomination in every aspect of their life. To walk in the Holy Spirit all that is of the beast MUST be tossed wholly from one's life. Of course, in End times, it seems everything from products to TV and Radio are of the Beast. The poor food quality is the sign of the beast, intentionally sold with terrible ingredients to harm our lives. As is the water with Fluoride. We must buy their gasoline, purchase their food, etc. He knows all this. There is no sin in eating the only food your reality allows. The sin is on the evil doers, which are those that are doing this to the world.

Come out of Babylon in deed and spirit and be free.

When we do the above and in a sincere and earnest heart, the release of the Might and Power of the Holy Spirit should be asked for and then obtained.

Prayers to achieve this are both simple and profound. Any and all of the below, if sincere, will be received. For example:

  • Father, guide my steps in all righteousness so that I err no more.

  • Help me see the right steps to take in my life.

  • Fill me with your Spirit of courage in the face of hatred and evil.

  • Teach me patience and loving kindness by example.

  • Help me understand in every way, your Holy Word.

  • Reveal your hand in my life in all things, that I KNOW of a certain, it is You and not the lawless one.