Friday, February 4, 2022

LIving the Spiritual Warrior life

This is an Edomite Jewbie Nephilim. 

Covens, Hillel, all of it. Servant of Lucifer, drinker of baby blood.

Thou hast been cursed by Noah, evil doer. The curse stands to this day; the snoz is the final tell of bloodline of this type.

A brother sent this yesterday. He has learned what to do and has chosen to stand to. 

Now, he's in the fight for good and all; no turning back. Ever.

Once the coven IDs you as a spiritual warrior, the game is on and IT'S FOR ALL THE MARBLES. 


PS. The very moment I put this up, flies started appearing to distract. This is how evil does; it uses ALL its resources to dissuade. Do not let these attacks interfere. Rather, rebuke, bind, and banish and ALWAYS GO ON THE OFFENSIVE. The Edomite, the Coven, on up the food chain until THEY stop.

That's how it's done.


Recently I created an Istagram (ugh) to share pictures related to demon possession and how to deal with them in the microcosmos of my town.

Yesterday I got this stinker folllowing me:
