Saturday, March 19, 2022

Resident at Jack Parsons' house with L Ron Hubbard - Secret Lives - Scientology - Dianetics

Don Bradley

Crowley, JPL, Scientology (satanism and MK Ultra for ONI and CIA, among other dark secrets of that very fateful year, 1947. A year that changed this country and the world, when the fallen angels who were banished for 4900 years in chains, in darkness, were released back out onto the world.

1947...the year of 

  • gravlevs (gravity levitation craft, Hannebue tech from Germany), 
  • CIA creation, 
  • Operation paperclip,
  • the beginning of the war between the Nephilim bloodlines (Kennedy vs Bush, Kennedys lost,)
  • Alamantra rituals in the desert where they set off the nukes in Nevada,
  • Crowley's death,
  • An incubus ritual that produced the reincarnation of Jezebel (Hillary Clinton),
  • The blackest witch of Hollywood - Marjorie Cameron The Babylon Working incarnation,
  • Among hundreds of other dark starts that are the bane and plague of our modern world,
  • Redstone missiles, the beginnings of ICBMs,
  • return of Enochian lesser keys of Solomon black magic,
  • and on and on...a year that stands above all others in evil. For it brought the beginning of
  • the DAYS OF NOAH (Noe) back into play and the beginning of the last generation of 70 years.

 Far too many to list.