Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The Demonics that walk among us: body morphing

The Demonics that walk among us: body morphing

Don Bradley Adar 12 March 15th, 2022


Revealed below are a few pictures of yet another reveal that certain people around us are not exactly human; nor are they "alien”—that's just a coven/CIA misdirect to keep people from realizing that 

  • Evil walks among us; leading to
  • Good and evil are expressed in form, not just as an idea or abstract expression; leading to
  • Good (Almighty God-YHVH) vs evil (Satan, Lucifer, Baal, Moloch, Isis) exist – it is not a construct of our minds, a pretend by old cultures, or simply metaphors for bad behavior; leading to
  • Learning about both and THEN CHOOSING WISELY.

They want this awakening to the real play of Earth stopped at any hazard/costs. For when people start truly equating the horrors that are openly emerging all over the world to an inner spiritual condition, then the game is up for them. We learn quickly, do we not, when we have the tiger by the tail of truth. And the more we learn about these demonic chimeras and types of demons blending with human the easier and quicker we can discern them among the populace.

One of the tells of this blended reality among us is the open shape-shifting, in public, of blood drinking demonically blended humans, the Nephilim. We understand through historical examples - much of which has been hidden from us by the same coven apparatus that is outwardly running this world. It's why they get away with so very much and why alien themed books, TV shows, and movies push this agenda big time. It's so well done because of the enormous funds poured into that enterprise that most of the world is convinced that aliens from another world live and walk among us.

They come from beneath the waters, deep in the vast underground cave and tunnel networks all over this planet - right under our feet! The breeding and blending program by willing satanist reptoids. Fortunately, some of us pay attention to our surroundings and notice little things like black eyes, slits instead of circles for the iris, strange body shapes, etc. 

We've learned a great deal about people who blend with the demonic hierarchy and as time progresses, we are gaining new knowledge of just how bad things were during the days of Noah. We know now that they can be discerned by DNA traits that emerge congenitally as well and overshadowing through satanic blood rituals. Both causations produce demonstrable results. For example:

  • Six fingers or toes or both (congenital)
  • backward bending legs (overshadow) 
  • neck morphing (overshadow)
  • stringy red hair (congenital)
  • teeth morphing (overshadow)
  • slits for Iris when visible (overshadow-congenital) 
  • tiger stripe patterns and HUGE bulging eyes (overshadow) 
  • elongated skulls and fingers (congenital)
  • can wink out of visibility at will (overshadow-congenital)

For example

Recently, the people's front of Reddit crack suicide squad went over to Ukraine and performed their mission well. This was their farewell meal. Notice the fellow pretending to be a woman on the middle right.

Cone-head nephilim phreak is carrying a very ancient nephilim bloodline trait that pops up among his multi-generational satanic family. Among their kind, this phreakism is a badge of honor. Of course he is accepted among the other phreaks because they are all multi-generational witches. All of them. The smell coming over from this assemblage is just hideous in the extreme; how can the other diners stand it?

The stench of the double damned; evil and phreak. The odor is unmistakable.

They look harmless, unless they see or smell blood. Then they get big, the fangs and claws come out, bad doings.

Normally this kind of thing has been buried by families over the past several thousand years as folks were more aware of the nephilim as that knowledge was pretty common until the 16th century when the catholic church pretty much erased it from all libraries and discussion. It's lost knowledge that only now, thanks to the tard writing this, is being corrected.

Here are some famous examples that have been explained away as art, or a sign of ruler ship by the crowns they wear - anything but the truth. Academia in the last 150 years was quickly taken over by the satanic network and these false explanations put into place over the truth. As can be seen by this and  other examples, it's not art at all. these creatures are real. They walk among us; are evil; drink children's blood.

Queen Nefertiti of Moses fame

Princess of Egypt

A Maltese Snapperhead

Actual skull found in Peru. Red hair, huge Nephy cone head, powerful jaw, weird teeth, etc.

I asked our Father what to give us all this day, given all the events of late and ongoing, which only gets more weird/worse with each passing week...here was His reply.

Zephaniah 2

3Seek ye YHVH, all you meek of the earth, which have wrought his judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may be ye shall be hid in the day of YHVH'S anger.

Sounds good to me, given the context of the article. Be not counted among the damned by doing the things they do.