Friday, March 4, 2022

Ukraine-Russia Affair 1st of ADAR

Ukraine-Russia Affair

1st of ADAR, March 4th, 2022

Don Bradley

Before writing this, I turned to our Father for a verse to begin, He led me to

Baal worshipers killed (nephilim priests)

2 Kings 10

13Jehu met with the brethren of Ahaziah king of Judah, and said, Who are ye? And they answered, We are the brethren of Ahaziah; and we go down to salute the children of the king and the children of the queen.

14And he said, Take them alive. And they took them alive, and slew them at the pit of the shearing house, even two and forty men; neither left he any of them.

So it is today.

Know this is a cleansing against a great satanic evil that has infected that region for a very long time. Russia—often in years past and under other leaders has done Great evil in the world—may or may not even be aware of the Hand that moves to end, in that region, the following and NOTHING MORE.

  • Underground adrenochrome locations

  • Demonic bio-labs, specifically producing weapons against the largest Christian nation on Earth, Russia

  • A fascist state that slaughters routinely, its own people with the approval of the Klaus globohomo empire, the NWO asset Ukraine

  • Nuclear caches of weapons hidden—but no longer—in Chernobyl (means WORMWOOD)

  • A fascist, socialist regime installed in 2014 by the CIA

  • the world's largest money laundering political state for adrenochromers, human traffickers, international organized crime (CIA and the Mafia of all stripes), and narcotics traffickers outside of Tel Aviv

The mere fact that the entire apparatus of evil that is the nephilim NWO crowd is pushing the Ukraine is a victim narrative, when they've been attacking and shelling Russia for 8 years should be a big reveal. This is the same crowd that passed off the corona virus (common cold, physician's desktop reference) as the plague to murder, worldwide, nearly a billion people in the last 15 months.

So, how does this all play out for the West?

First, the whole world, in the last 5 months, was rapidly awakened to the deadly weapon that is the vax death shot. The US and Canada managed to throw up well over 2 million people for the Canada trucker thing—hijacked by the NWO with cutouts pretending to be organizers, which got away from them bigly—and this scared them. 2 million is a big...HUGE...number. That's an amazing army, if it came down to it. One that could have easily—and still can, easily—grow to 20 million at the drop of a hat.

And that hat can still drop.

So, out comes, on Russia's desire to stop the border predations, this minor conflict that had NO invasion to control as a feature. Imagine you are Russia. You find out the crappy little Azov fascist sitting on your southwest border has, is, and was, working on plague weapons to remove 80% of your population. You going to let them take those plagues and put them into play through their globohomo assets pretending to be diplomats? Does anyone realize how very easy it is to introduce a plague into a society?

Well, Fauci and gang did just that with AIDS and HIV in the early 1980s, which has been well established. Although all that great intel has been wiped from the internet by the same NWO phreaks doing us all in today. All they did was send gay assets out to gay cruising bars in NYC and San Francisco and the rest is history. A history the world has already forgotten. Sad to say.

This then was their window to deflate the covid awareness wave sweeping through the world and turn their satanic network of covens into a worldwide hate fest of all things Russian and again, like the covid scam, the world is falling for it.

It's all a lie. All of it. I've well proven that with ongoing videos of Ukrainians bombing and gunning down their own citizens with US made weapons. Look them over. Get educated.

So, where does that leave us?

Route one.

This phase of their plan is ongoing and it fits right into their great reset fascism of slavery.

  • Destroy the west's economy.

  • Quickly pass war measure laws, as Trudeau did, to silence as they do in Ukraine, ALL OPPOSITION. This should be sobering, if you are paying attention.

Already, everywhere in the west food prices are skyrocketing, heating bills are doubled (my gas and electric bills are DOUBLE what they were a year ago, even though I am using less of both.) Gas will, in all areas of the USA, go way beyond $12.00 per gallon. NEVER TO RETURN. EVER. Which is what they want; a crippled society unable to even go see grandma on a weekend, because what poor person can then afford it? In my valley, milk is ten dollars a gallon...and rising. Coffee is $18.00 a pound. See it? This is this day's prices, having been to the store this morning.

Route two.

Detonate a small nuclear device in Ukraine (USA, Israel), then outright war is declared and the NWO gang destroys various areas around the USA that once the stores are closed, would yield far too many people to deal with. The nukes against their own people—as Ukraine is doing now by bombing and shooting down their own people—has been on the books since the early 1960s, as declassified documents have revealed (look up Operation Northwoods and Gardenplot). Our largest population centers in the United States are already setup for this event. Southern California alone is slated to receive 5—yes five—nuclear devices. Other cities are NYC, Chicago, San Francisco, etc.

Route one is already a go. As is obvious to anyone really paying attention.

Will they go and add Route Two?

Zechariah 2

9 For, behold, I will shake mine hand upon them, and they shall be a spoil to their servants: and ye shall know that the Yahuah of hosts hath sent me.
