Saturday, April 30, 2022

And now for something completely different

Everything about the globe nonsense and satellites is a lie. Behold...

Satellites are real, but not circling a fake globe. That's the lie. They are helium balloons and crash often, revealing the truth of the matter. It's the truth of Earth they want to stop you from knowing, so you can continue to believe the lies they spew to control you all.

Jewish publication/newspaper revealing the Edomites KNOW the earth is flat, but teach to the goyim a globe of lies, to deceive and control. For once you know we live in a closed system and there IS NO SPACE, you will also realize there is a God above and its His World we are all living in. They are terrified of anyone learning that truth, BECAUSE IT SETS YOU FREE.

We are the children of the Most High Adonai, YHVH and we are at war with the children of Satan, who control the world at this time and are trying to kill off ALL the children of God as fast as they can. Vax Weapon anyone?