Sunday, April 10, 2022 understanding of beginnings and what was and is no more - Nisan 8

Don Bradley

The worst devils in power go there quite often. Many wonder why.

1 Ells to Feet = 3.75

There were giants in the Earth in those days, and after. Genesis 6.

And why on Earth would an expedition have on its board the most notorious black witch of the modern era?

They were 3000 ells tall, at the least. Their petrified bodies are all over the world, but especially
preserved in Antarctica. 3000 ells is just under a mile in height.

What was before the flood (edge of the known world, where they tried to escape to), became what is after the flood, in Mizraim (Egypt)


It's not a continent, it's a perimeter.

Wrapping pictures around a ball and airbrushing out the lines...your blue marble lie of a globe.