Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Joining with strange men-women Nisan 3

Joining with strange men-women

Don Bradley Nisan 3

April 5th, 2022

Nehemiah 13

27 Shall we then hearken unto you to do all this great evil, to transgress against our God in marrying strange wives? 

Refrain from dating or having sexual relations, including kissing, with any nephilim/Edomite/hybrid man or woman. You pick up all their evil, as though it were your own. Doesn't matter that you didn't know any better; the Holy Word is there reminding you, clearly with hundreds of examples, as a thing NOT TO DO. Here's a short list as why doing so is a very bad thing. That taste of decay in your mouth should have been warning enough, but if you have hitchhikers, the lust impulse usually creates a condition whereby that is ignored. I've always called it the 

...taste of the barking bear or the barking bear hole, usually. 

Once I understood what was happening and why, any woman I kissed either had that or she didn't. It cannot be covered up completely, only slightly masked. Still, if you are that far into the thing where you are kissing, that's usually a surrender point for most people. It's not a dental thing, it's a spirit thing. It comes from the glands in their throat and from drinking blood. It's a built in safety valve for Adamic souls, so they cannot be deceived that the person they are with, is a bloodline corrupted biped that cannot, ever, love them. They are incapable of that; although they'll take all the love you have.

The preceding should reveal a great deal.

Don's short list of very bad things that come from nephy unions. 

  1. You end up blended with them in every way; all the evil she's done or will do, becomes your evil. Not in a karmic way, unless there is offspring, but in an effects way as things influence and change your DNA. Look it up, when men and women join, a woman's DNA changes; it's in Wikipedia. For men, not so much, but it's there. Our Father has stated many times, that the two become as one flesh the instant you “know” each other.

  2. You get all their demons, now and as they collect upon her/him in the future. This one alone should curtail any lustful urges arising from their "charms." Unless you are spiritually weak or have yet to declare in this life with Yeshua and the Laws of the Father, the ten commandments. Picking up a witches collection of dark spirits is not what I call worth anything you might gain from one hour of pleasure. Quite the opposite. It's a great victory for the damned to bed down an Adamic soul; they know the corruption that flows in them upon joining, doing more damage to that soul's walk and path then they could have ever hoped for by any other means.

  3. Any children from the union will be hybrids—half and half—these will be battling and in turmoil all their lives, unless you are strong and bring them up knowing, baptized, and walking with Yeshua. Then all that changes. Their Luciferic DNA disappears and Adamic DNA slowly replaces it in every respect. It's wonderful what standing with Yeshua does for us. Simply wonderful. Also, family making incurs generational curses you definitely want no part of. There is a reason men and women had long courtships in the past. Not going from drinks to bed time in 45 minutes, knowing nothing about them. That kind of imprudence has severe consequences.

  4. Any union with a strange man or woman (nephilim) will necessitate an exorcism of sorts to remove any hitchhikers attached to the person being redeemed. This usually happens the instant the Holy Spirit descends, as it were. This is usually accompanied by coughing, or, if there is severe infestation that is definitely controlling things, vomiting. I've seen both many times. It's quite normal, don't try to stop the process or interfere in any way, other than to provide a hand towel and comfort. Praying in these instances should always be done, regardless.

  5. In these End Times, there is also the vax weapon—Lucifer's race—to contend with. As has been demonstrated in the videos and blood analysis of sexual partners; what happens to the vaxxed person's blood ends up happening to their partner, whether married or not. The state ceremony doesn't determine if you are married, a legal vow in the presence of Almighty God (YHVH) determines that. Bed the person and you are now one flesh. Do that twenty times, with twenty different partners and you are literally a walking mess of strange and demonic spirits and whatever generational curses they are bringing forth in this life. Most western women nowadays make it a BADGE OF HONOR (thanks to peer influence by coven teens) to bed as many people as they can, male or female, especially if they are low born. Low born in this context are those bloodlines that were cursed by Noah, to his son Ham, and are carried forward to this day. Ham married a strange Canaanite woman; his bloodlines to this very day carry that curse and are a bane to our world, then and now.

Can a man and woman of different bloodlines—one redeemed, the other a practicing witch in a coven or synagogue—still live and love and all that, like man and wife? Generally, no. The reason for this is manifold.

Another list Don? Of course.

  1. They cannot, nor do they ever want to, love you openly with all their heart; love is a frequency of the Most High, the foundation of reality. This, via their chief corrupter, Satan, is having none. He lives and moves in TOTAL HATE. At best, and doled out unless they are laying a trap for you, any affection is affected; means they are acting. (In point of fact, they call it the blarney or BS—not real, acting). Knowing that and knowing they cannot nor want to, would you want to remain in such a situation except for as an anchor of Christ in both your lives, ready to show the way by example, of His mercy, grace, salvation, and compassion. For any of those reasons, do not break off illegally just because you found out you were married to a snapper head all these years. You don't have to worry; they cannot exist in the same house with a branch grafted into the Tree that is Yeshua. They know that if you are aware then you will continue to be so and in growing awareness and start seeing them with the slits, the black eyes, the shadow walkers lurking around them, etc, etc. It's big points in the coven for every Adamic soul so deceived, especially if children are involved; and you know what that means by now.

  2. All those little disappearing acts they pull all year to go to coven and full moon doings... No matter what, unless you are completely spineless cuck and I've yet to meet someone who had the Holy Spirit who was, it will create a spirit of friction, lies, deceptions, and what not. Knowing or you should know what they get up to at these full moon, black sabbaths, and other gatherings in the grotto, if you were to attempt such a thing is really insane. Orgies, bloodletting, infant sacrifice, human BBQs, murder of the innocents, etc, etc, etc. How do you get past that one? Hey honey, how was the orgy? Get any good adrenochrome this time?

  3. The children issue. If you have children, they'll leave you the instant you turn to Christ. That day or by the next witches black sabbath, their preferred date for doing such things, they will leave you or push you out of the house. As either the ditched father or mother, make the best of things, spend all your time with your children giving them attention, living as a decent sort, and teaching them about the truth of Earth. Pray that they see and are freed; in most cases, they will be. Do not create an us vs them situation in their minds, as that is quite damaging to the child and is flatly, wrong. Let them see the truth of things on their own, or you may end up with resentment issues down the line that are likely to have far reaching effects. Live and teach by example. Once they see real love, kindness, character, and a strong firm hand (but not dogmatic) coming from you, they'll respond to that; especially in our times, when such a thing is rare to see nowadays.

  4. Even if you make a go of it, they won't. In fact, they will gaslight the dickens out of you, lie to you, start doing openly nasty things, to get you to over react and fail in your walk. Either way, sooner or later, you end up parted. Accept this and live with the broken heart He will fix anyway.


Luke 8
38 Now the man out of whom the devils were departed besought him that he might be with him: but Yeshua (Jesus) sent him away, saying,
Return to thine own house, and shew how great things God hath done unto thee. And he went his way, and published throughout the whole city how great things Jesus had done unto him.