Thursday, April 14, 2022

Men Against Fire Predictive programming.

Men Against Fire Predictive programming


By Morgan Franklin

This Episode in "Black Mirror" is beyond disturbing and hides a ton of knowledge of the future that needs to be known.

The Plot portrays (United Nations) military fighting alien/humanoid enemies called "Roaches" in a dystopian New World Order.
Photo A (Blue helmets in show represent the UN)
Soldiers outfitted with retinal and cranial implants hear of a Roach attack on a village and go to investigate. After investigating, they received a lead that the Roaches went in the Direction of a Religious Fanatic's house. They state that the fanatic has mental health issues and has  interesting views on the "Roaches"
Photo B (Retinal implant)

After surveilling the area with drones and other futuristic dystopian technology they enter the fanatic's house.There is a cross on the man's wall and the captain of the squad is questioning him about his faith and stating that he is hiding roaches from them. The captain says that the roaches are carrying a sickness that is in their blood that will pass down through the generations causing people to be roaches. The captain further states that they need to be
exterminated for mankind to continue in the world.
Photo C (Christian man symbolism)
While the interrogation of the Christian man is ongoing, there are soldiers searching the house.
They end up finding roaches in the house and combat pursues. The roaches look like... you guessed it, Rakes/Skin walkers/Zombies.
Photo D (Roaches)
While one protagonist soldier is fighting off a roach that was welding a device close to the soldier's face.
After neutralizing the roach he picked up the device and it went off in his face.
Photo E (Roach Device)

Ever since the soldier got exposed to the roach device his retinal system has been experiencing malfunctions. Also, the soldiers have very sexually pleasurable dreams implanted into them when they sleep. The protagonist soldier gets those disrupted with glitches and nightmares. Other instances in the episode also points to soldiers experiencing sexual euphoria when killing roaches.

While on a mission the protagonist Soldier starts seeing roaches as humans while his partner was slaughtering them. Seeing his partner killing humans he attempted to disarm her, knocking her out and getting shot in the process. He runs off with with two survivors while the soldier wakes up to hunt them down.

The survivors take the protagonist to their hideout in the woods, while there the female survivor starts to explain to him that his implants make him see and hear them as roaches (when they speak the implant modulates their voice to screeching). The protagonist asks why do the villagers hate them, even though they don't have the implants to see them as roaches.
She states it's because the media tells them to hate them. The hatred towards them started after the War (WW3) where there was DNA checks that ousted them from society because their DNA was corrupt and had a "sickness".

The protagonists partner finds him and the survivors kills them an knocks him out and he wakes up in a cell at base. The commissioner walks and they have discourse and it leads to the commissioner telling him that the military uses implants to make sure the soldiers keep killing innocent humans without moral obstruction. The commissioner states that they need to
kill off these people because their "Bloodline" carries lower IQ, MS, Cancer etc.

Further on in the conversation its reveals that soldiers when being recruited to the military has to give consent to have the implants put in them. The Protagonist doesn't want the implants anymore but the commissioner says he has two options: Has his implants fixed and all memories of the past few days deleted or incarceration which means that he will see all his memories of him killing the people in their normal Human appearance haunting him for as long as he lives.

Theoretical conclusion with what we know between the show and the world today:

  • Looks like there will be a zombie type of event after World War 3. Selected Vaxxed people will turn into Rakes/Zombies.
  • The rest of the vaccinated people and/or military personal with additional implants will see people with the holy spirit as zombies as well.
  • That will lead to us being removed from society and possibly leading to civil war in the United states and other countries.
  • Christians will be the evil alien/zombie invaders to the world and the world will need to fight back (similar to the Russian Film "The Blackout").

Looks to me that we have until the big war event and then after, things will get pretty interesting and we will need to be as strong in the spirit  as we can be.

Luke 1:80 And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, and was in the deserts till the day of his shewing unto Israel.