Monday, April 18, 2022

Russel Brand, nephilim reptoid

Brand isn't a 'fed'. He's just controlled opposition and works with them; he's above intelligence; he's bloodline nephilim. Systems require legitimacy, and need to ghettoize certain politics. The type of people who listen to Brand, and there are a lot of them, are not going to be satisfied listening to Fox News or NPR. If the system doesn't provide an outlet for them, they will look elsewhere, and 9 times out of ten, they find Nazi podcasts. The system has to create various gate keepers to corral all these disaffected people, otherwise they will all become Nat-Soc-affiliated. It didn't always have to be like this. This recent myriad of gate keepers is entirely new due to the internet and growth of NatSoc grievance politics. BIf Brand doesn't say the things he says, then he wouldn't have an audience to corral. As the public gets more 'based', so too will the reptoids alter their public persona in order to keep people from running off looking elsewhere.

It's a terrible politic. It's not good enough to talk about 'elites' because that's surface level shite. 

  • WHO are the elites? 
  • WHAT is their goal? 
  • What is their racial motive? 
  • Why do they do what they do? 
  • How do we challenge them? 

Brand doesn't touch on race or white grievance issues. He doesn't point the finger at any zionists. He always makes critiques of gentiles. He focuses on the fake and gay party politics. His politic is extremely vague and clearly aimed at the type of qtards that have few outlets left.

He's a gatekeeper for conservatism now, and this makes more very dangerous for our race, because he is now a more effecitve anti-fascist than he was a decade ago. That anyone would follow a reptoid Rothschild who pretty much hangs out with Lady Gaga, Madonna, and all the worst baby killing blood drinkers in the world should be a big reveal for people, but apparently is not.

You will notice a new growing trend among ZOG conservatives is to lay blame on 'White Liberals'. That's a big trend atm. It's becoming more common to radicalize progs as 'White' in order to break white solidarity. It's nothing especially new since 'Dems are the real racists' is an ancient tactic, but to specifically radicalize them as 'White' and as 'the enemy' because they are White is a nasty new tactic. Another trend is to only ever scapegoat gentiles as leadership of progs. Covid had Fauci as a target of ire, while the Great Reset nonsense focuses on Klaus or Gates. Band follows this trend. No focus is put on the actual CEOs of these corporations or the zionist agenda behind them.

I have no doubt Brand will adopt the tactic of scapegoating 'WHITE LIBERALS' as opposition. Always push back on that shit. It's anti-White. They would never say 'Black Liberals' or 'Jewish Liberals', and we know most of the time these 'White Liberals' aren't '''White'''.

Conservatism is the main obstacle in the way of National Socialism. It always has been. ZOG research and discussion has been made about this. Harvard professors debate the issue and concluded Hitlers success came down to the lack of Conservative opposition. Without conservatism, ZOG fails. 

He's a CIA asset devil, like the others, and he is here to mislead on surface level issues of no import - in short, NARRATIVE CONTROL.


The queen loves obedient reptoids.

Russel kisses dead Klaus' NWO chief edomite planner, Yuval the pogrom director. Yuri is one of the most demonic evil souls on this planet, on par with Gates and the others, like the Hildebeast (both dead).

Russel is a crypto jew (Rothschild). It's why he gets every break, does whatever he wants, is controlled opposition working with Mossad and CIA, stars in movies, makes songs, has shows. And is the face of evil.