Friday, April 15, 2022

The worst: Reptoid evangelical missionaries

From brother Edu

I just watched the episode, before I read the article. I thought the same Morgan did plus:

-The reverse will also be done. Vaxxed people will see the black eyed creepers and the other incarnated demonics as normal human beings. Some person's minds already filter out the traumatic sight of their real appearance under their telepathic influence. The vaxx nanotechnology will just make it easier. As a side note, the show also subliminally builds sympathy for black eyed monsters as they are portrayed as victims. The demons always try to trick us into sympathizing with them.

-Massive electrical stimulation of sexual organs and erogenous zones is the basis of modern mind control programing, as it puts the mind in an overwhelmed state that is conductive to programming. This was Wilhelm Reich's research done to CIA, before he realized he was working for evil people. This makes the vaxxed highly programable under the right circunstances, REMOTELY. If the same system is capable of trauma based personality splitting, it gives them all they need to remotely make MKUltra multiple systems anywhere. They don't even have to abduct the subject anymore. This was already possible trough the telecommunication cell towers against mentally unstable people and drug abusers. With the vaxx nanotechnology, demonic hitchhikers and 5G, the number of potential MPD/DID systems under the Network reach has greatly expanded. It's a matter of time as each night they get more programing done on them. The effectiveness of this will probably be dependent of the local 4G/5G infrastructure available plus whatever EMF weapon system they deploy against specific targets. The agents from the Matrix will be taking over.

In conclusion, we have all the elements necessary for absolute chaos as many people will not be capable to know what is real from what is not. They will be essentially in the "metaverse" without even knowing it.

An illustrative example has received wide public attention recently last March here in Brazil. It may or may not have been caused by the nanotech, although I find it highly likely. A married couple of evangelical "Christians" used to distribute meals for homeless people in the city of Planaltina. One day the husband noticed his wife didn't came back after delivering the meals. He went out looking for her only to find her at night having sex in her car with a beggar. He spanked the beggar, which was hospitalized, as he thought he was raping her. But he quickly found out she did it willingly. The wife was confused and said she saw the beggar as a different person, sometimes as her husband, other times as "the image of God". She was institutionalized. The case gained widespread coverage by mainstream media and has become a joke. I find this no coincidence.

 A bit of commentary is needed. Both Morgan and Edu are correct in most respects. When you combine demons and nanotech as a synchronized reality in the human brain, anything is possible...and likely, probable. However,

  1. These are NOT Christians. They are satanists, pretending to pretend, to poison the less educated. They CIA has a HUGE evangelical program (Rev JIm Jones, Billy Graham, ALL OF THEM) down to nobodies. The nasty satanic body tattoos, body piercings, immodest behaviors for the public (acting like whores) and you are obviously not dealing with the sons an daughters of the Most High, but the children of the wicked one. Like all satanists in a coven, they are in love with themselves. Only the blind and very poorly educated cannot see through their charade. Rebuke, Bind, Banish and ask that their house be called into Judgment, THIS VERY DAY. Put an end to their depredations in whatever country these undesirables may be found.
  2. The Presence of the Holy Spirit, in face of such frauds and among those vaxxed snapper heads who are just waiting to be turned into the nastiness they are inside, on the outside blocks such evil intentions by the damned. The real danger is the vaxxed military; it is and will be programmed to hunt down the normal souled or freejack (undecided, one way or another, but not necessarily a child of Lucifer, as the above 2 are.)
  3. Frankly, she is lying. She did willingly sleep with the homeless guy, because THE DEMON WITHIN pushed all her lust buttons, which is big among the snapper heads. The lie was a cover, to explain away her behavior because the press got ahold of it. I do not see even a single honest day in her life, ever. She's that bad.