Tuesday, June 14, 2022

3rd night of a perfect Full Moon Sivan 14

As He saved Daniel, so are those that love and trust Him saved - from all these demonic horrors which surround us. Daniel trusted in our Father and loved Him dearly, an easy thing to do.


Daniel 6

23 Then was the king exceeding glad for him, and commanded that they should take Daniel up out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no manner of hurt was found upon him, because he believed in his God.

The more you look in to it one realizes that satanism as practiced by the offspring of Lucifer (genesis 3:15) is a death cult that is transferring their sick, evil reality to the rest of us without our wish for them to do so. We permit it of course, because after years of fluoride in the water, toxins and heavy metals in our air and food, we've become a docile, apathetic peoples. Easy prey for the predators. 

  • they do not want ppl to have kids
  • they hate natural survival instincts
  • they hate generational knowledge
  • they want naturally beautiful women to mutilate themselves 
  • they hate natural masculinity
  • they hate safe communities 
  • they hate the nuclear family 
  • they developing infrastructure 
  • they hate energy development 
  • they do not want developing countries to utilize modern infrastructure